Published December 28, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open


  • 1. Energy Policy Unit, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece


I2AM PARIS is an open data exchange platform for climate and energy policy modelling, developed by the Horizon 2020 PARIS REINFORCE project. Drawing from the current capabilities of the platform, this report provides a summary of platform improvements in the context of the IAM COMPACT project. Notably, efforts will be placed in adding validity checks for modelling data that is uploaded to the platform and providing an indication of whether modelling results are credible by comparing them with relevant benchmarks such as the vetting criteria from IPCC AR6 WGIII. We will also develop user-friendly interfaces for data input, allowing modellers from other projects to easily interact with, and add new modelling and scenario information to, the platform. Existing components of the platform will be also improved in term of functionalities. New model documentation will be added, while the existing documentation will be updated, emphasising interpretability by non-experts. In this direction, we will also create a component with videos and training material for new modellers. Finally, the representation of sectoral models will be enhanced in existing components, while new result workspaces will be created to showcase the outcomes of the project’s modelling exercises.


D3.1 I2AM PARIS Upgrade Plan_v1.00_SUBMITTED.pdf

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IAM COMPACT – Expanding Integrated Assessment Modelling: Comprehensive and Comprehensible Science for Sustainable, Co-Created Climate Action 101056306
European Commission