E-APRP method: Quantifying changes in the Arctic shortwave cloud radiative effects
Quantifying changes in the Arctic shortwave cloud radiative effects (in preparation)
We introduce our extended APRP (E-APRP) method. The APRP method allows one to separate the changes in the TOA and surface fluxes of SW radiation into the individual contributions from changes in surface albedo, cloud, and noncloud constituents of the atmosphere (Taylor et al. 2007). This method assumes that a single atmospheric layer absorbs SW fluxes only on the incident beam’s first pass while scattering radiation that passes through it after being reflected by the surface for infinite passes. For E-APRP method, we have implemented two additional ratios: the ratio of upward beam to downward beam absorptivity and the ratio of reflectivity.
Taylor, K., and Coauthors. (2007). Estimating shortwave radiative forcing and response in climate models. Journal of Climate, 20, 2530-2543.
prp.all: anomaly of pi_control and abrupt4xCO2 from input data
PRP backward and forward calculation data perturbed by each variable:
1. Prpbf.daero_seasonal.nc: aerosol
2. Prpbf.dalb_seasonal.nc: albedo
3. Prpbf.dc_ca_seasonal.nc: cloud fraction
4. Prpbf.cd_cacwa_seasonal.nc: cloud fraction + cloud liquid water
5. Prpbf.dc_cads_seasonal.nc: cloud fraction + cloud particle size
6. Prpbf.dc_cwa_seasonal.nc: cloud liquid water
7. Prpbf.dc_ds_seasonal.nc: cloud particle size
8. Prpbf.dc_dscwa_seasonal.nc: cloud particle size + cloud liquid water
9. Prpbf.dc_seasonal.nc: cloud
10. Prpbf.dco2_seasonal.nc: CO2
11. Prpbf.dgas_seasonal.nc: gases (ex, CFC11, CFC12, CH4, N2O, O2 …)
12. Prpbf.dothers_seasonal.nc: Other variables (ex, solar irradiance, solar heating rate, longwave heating rate …)
13. Prpbf.dq_seasonal.nc: moisture
14. Prpbf.dtemp_seasonal.nc: temperature
15. Prpbf.dsum_seasonal.nc: sum of each perturbation
16. Prpbf._error_seasonal.nc: difference between prpbf.dsum and prp.all
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