Published 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Spatial structure of plant communities of the mountainous forest-steppe of Khakassia: A Case Study of the "Pistag Ridge" Model Polygon

  • 1. ROR icon Khakassian State University named after N.F. Katanov


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the spatial organization of vegetation on the border of the eastern spurs 
of  the  Kuznetsk  Alatau  and  the  South  Minusinsk  basin.  Eleven  plant  community  associations  were  identified  during 
classification. With the help of DCA-ordination, the key ecological factors were identified: precipitation, stony substrate, 
elevation above sea level. Based on the classification and gradient analysis, the ecological series of plant communities, 
changing in accordance with the key environmental factors are described. The selected series made it possible to identify 
the  main  patterns  of  plant  communities  with  changes  in  humidity  factors-elevation  from  meadow  steppes  with  Stipa pennata and larch hemiborial forests at the foot of slopes on leveled areas, to cryophytic tundra steppes and petrophytic 
steppes with glacial relics in the upper, coldest parts of the ridge. 
Cartographic models of the upper part of the forest-steppe belt were developed using Sentinel-2 and Resurs-P satellite 
imagery on the key "Pistag Ridge" polygon. The first model reflects the main combinations of plant community associations 
as  phytocenoses,  while  the  second  model  demonstrates  the  peculiarities  of  the  organization  of  microcombinations  of individual phytocenometers on the association level. The developed models illustrate the patterns of spatial organization 
of vegetation in the upper part of the Kuznetsk Alatau forest-steppe belt and can be used to assess the prevalence of rare 
associations and individual Red Book plant species of Khakassia.


Пространственная структура растительных сообществ горной лесостепи Хакасии на примере модельного полигона «Хребет Пистаг».pdf

Additional details


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