Published January 31, 2023 | Version v1
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Fig. 5 in Revision of an Arctic kinorhynch species: Echinoderes svetlanae and E. tubilak are junior synonyms of E. remanei


Fig. 5. Light micrographs showing details of Echinoderes tubilak collected in Greenland (A, E), N Alaska (Chukchi Sea) (C, G), Japan (D), and Echinoderes svetlanae collected in the White Sea (B, F, H). A Female paratype (USNM 233228). B, F, H Female (NHMD-1000318). C Female (USNM 1522327). D Male (ICHUM 8415). E Female holotype (USNM 233226). G Female (USNM 1522328). A Segments 1–4, ventral view. B Segments 1–4, ventral view. C Segments 1–4, ventral view. D Segments 1–8, ventral view. E Segments 1–5, dorsal view. F Segments 1–5, dorsal view. G Segments 5–10, ventral view. H Segments 10–11, ventral view. Abbreviations: ldgco2 laterodorsal glandular cell outlets type 2; lvt lateroventral tube; mlgco2 midlateral glandular cell outlets type 2; ppf primary pectinate fringe; sdgco2 subdorsal glandular cell outlets type 2; si sieve plate; slgco2 sublateral glandular cell outlets type 2; te tergal extension; vlgco2 ventrolateral glandular cell outlets type 2. The arrow indicates the position of the midventral articulation on segment 2.


Published as part of Grzelak, Katarzyna, Yamasaki, Hiroshi, Mincks, Sarah, Phillips, Anna J. & Sørensen, Martin V., 2023, Revision of an Arctic kinorhynch species: Echinoderes svetlanae and E. tubilak are junior synonyms of E. remanei, pp. 75-89 in Zoologischer Anzeiger 302 on page 83, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2022.11.001,



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