Published December 7, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Magnetic properties and chemical analysis of remagnetised carbonates of South America


We investigate the magnetic properties and chemical composition of remagnetised carbonate rocks in South America. These rocks play a crucial role in understanding past climates and the behaviour of Earth's magnetic field. Unfortunately, the primary remanence of these rocks is often altered by secondary components in a process known as remagnetisation. In South America, we observe evidence of a continent-wide remagnetisation event in Neoproterozoic carbonates from sedimentary basins separated by significant distances. To shed further light on this phenomenon, we employ both traditional macroscopic rock magnetic analysis and advanced synchrotron-based nano/micro imaging and chemical analysis techniques.


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Acquisition and chemical remagnetization in carbonates: an evaluation by micromagnetic modeling, laboratory simulations and case studies 21/00861-2
São Paulo Research Foundation
Exploring micromagnetic modelling of highly-detailed three-dimensional finite element meshes: a new pathway to study the properties of remanence carriers in remagnetized carbonates 22/14100-6
São Paulo Research Foundation
The Neoproterozoic Earth System and the rise of biological complexity 16/06114-6
São Paulo Research Foundation
NSFGEO-NERC: Transforming understanding of paleomagnetic recording: Insights from experimental observations and numerical predictions NE/S011978/1
Natural Environment Research Council