Published December 4, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Social exclusion in personnel selection – The risk of discriminating AI biases


Work plays a central role in the life of adults as it opens up access to a wide range of valuable resources (e.g., financial security, time structure, social contacts). Thereby work contributes to the social inclusion of people in most societies. Therefore, personnel selection processes carry a high level of social responsibility. Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) is widely used in human resources (HR), but the unreflected use of AI in recruitment can lead to the exclusion of vulnerable groups. AIs are often trained with biased data which unconsciously results in discriminatory hiring practices. The aim of this workshop contribution is threefold. First, we distinguish between the generic term "social exclusion" and its subtype "discrimination". Second, we raise awareness for discrimination in AI-based personnel selection. Third, we aim to foster interdisciplinary discussions about the responsible use of AI-based selection processes to prevent the severe consequences of social exclusion (e.g., helplessness, depression, suicide)



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