Published November 8, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Dysaethria illotata

  • 1. Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia.
  • 2. Sakhalin Territory Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, Sakhalinskaya oblast, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia.


Dysaethria illotata (Christoph)

(Fig. 2)

Material examined. 1 ♀, S Kholmsk, 06.VII.2022.

Distribution. Russia (S RFE: S * Sakhalin, S Kurils— * Kunashir, Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Primorskii Krai), Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku).

Remarks. The specimen from Kunashir, referred as “ Dysaethria moza (Butler) ” by Dubatolov et al. (1994: 19, a female collected on 16.VII.1989), actually is misidentification of D. illotata, judging from the photo of this specimen on the website of Siberian Zoological Museum (Dubatolov 2022a). In the same site on another page, the same photo is posted as “ Dysaethria cretacea (Butler) ” (Dubatolov 2022b), what led to an erroneous indication of D. cretacea for the Kuril Islands (Sinev 2008: 189; Beljaev 2016: 517; Sinev 2019: 234; Sinev 2021; Zolotuhin & Nedoshivina 2021: 348). Thus, here D. illotata is first reported from the Kuril Islands, and D. cretacea is excluded from the fauna of Russia. These findings of D. illotata in Sakhalin and the Kurils significantly expand its distribution range to the Northeast.

Regarding the general distribution of this species, it should be noted that distribution of D. illotata abroad of Russia, given as " China (Hong Kong, Sichuan, Taiwan), Korea, Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima, Yakushima, Amami, Okinawa, Ishigaki, Iriomote), India, Nepal, Malaya" in Zolotuhin & Nedoshivina (2021: 348), does not correspond to currently known data. The cited text fragment coincides with text on the distribution of Dysaethria flavistriga (Warren) printed on the previous page (loc. cit.: 347). Thus, obviously, the cited distribution of D. illotata is the result of a misprint.

The hostplants of the larvae of D. illotata are unknown. In Primorskii Krai the moths of this species were collected near the thickets of Viburnum burejaeticum, and in Sakhalin —near the planting of Viburnum wrightii (Adoxaceae), the two possible hosts.


Published as part of Beljaev, Еvgeniy A. & Titova, Olga L., 2023, New data on geometroid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometroidea: Uraniidae and Geometridae) from Sakhalin and Moneron islands with notes on their taxonomy distribution and ecology, pp. 1-41 in Zootaxa 5369 (1) on pages 5-6, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5369.1.1,


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  • Dubatolov, V. V., Antonova, E. M. & Kosterin, O. E. (1994) Eversmannia exornata (Eversmann, 1837), the only known representative of the Epiplemidae family (Lepidoptera) in West Palearctic. Actias, Moscow, 1 (1 - 2), 19 - 23.
  • Dubatolov, V. V. (Cur.) (2022 a) Dysaethria illotata (Christoph, [1881] 1880). Epiplemidae collection of Siberian Zoological Museum. Available from: http: // szmn. eco. nsc. ru / picts / Heterocera / Epiplemidae / Dysaethria _ illotata. htm (assessed 10 February 2022)
  • Dubatolov, V. V. (Cur.) (2022 b) Dysaethria cretacea (Butler, 1881) (Christoph, [1881] 1880). Epiplemidae collection of Siberian Zoological Museum. Available from: http: // szmn. eco. nsc. ru / old / picts / Heterocera / Epiplemidae / Dysaethria _ cretacea. htm (assessed 10 February 2022).
  • Sinev, S. Yu. (2008) Uraniidae. In: Sinev, S. Yu. (Ed.), Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia. KMK Scientific Press, St. Petersburg / Moscow, pp. 189 - 190 + 336. [in Russian]
  • Beljaev, E. A. (2016) Sem. Geometridae - Pyadenitsy [Family Geometridae - Geometrid Moths]. In: Lelej, A. S. (Ed.), Annotated catalogue of the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. 2. Lepidoptera. Dalnuaka, Vladivostok, pp. 518 - 666. [in Russian]
  • Sinev, S. Yu. (2019) Uraniidae. In: Sinev, S. Yu. (Ed.), Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia. Edition 2. Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, pp. 234 + 385. [in Russian]
  • Sinev, S. Yu. (2021) Uraniidae. In: Sinev, S. Yu. (Ed.), Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia. 2 nd Edition. Version 2.1. Electronic Resource. Zoological Institute RAS, St. Petersburg, no pagination. Available from: https: // www. zin. ru / publications / books / Lepidoptera _ Russia / Catalogue _ of _ the _ Lepidoptera _ of _ Russia _ ver. 2.1. pdf (assessed 10 February 2022) [in Russian]