Published February 15, 2013 | Version v1
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Gonatopus pedestris Dalman 1818


2. Gonatopus pedestris Dalman, 1818

(Plates 108A, 122D, 123A, B, 124A, B)

Gonatopus pedestris Dalman 1818: 86; Olmi 1994: 76; Olmi 1995g: 6; Hansen & Olmi 1996: 86; Guglielmino & Olmi 1997: 179–206; Tussac & Olmi 1998: 490; Olmi 1999a: 274; He & Xu 2002: 330; Olmi 2005b: 126.

nec Dicondylus pedestris (Dalman): Haliday in Curtis 1829 –30: 110.

Gonatopus ljunghii Westwood 1833: 496 (synonymized by Olmi & Currado 1977); type locality: Wimbledon Common (England, UK); Richards 1935: 146.

Dryinus pedestris (Dalman): Haliday 1834: 221.

Dicondylus pedestris (Dalman) partim: Walker 1837: 412.

Pachygonatopus pedestris (Dalman): Kieffer in Kieffer & Marshall 1906: 500.

Dicondylus ljunghii (Westwood): Kieffer 1907: 22.

Gonatopus leucostomus Sahlberg 1910: 14 (synonymized by Olmi 1984); type locality: Jaakkima (Karelia, Russia).

Platygonatopus pedestris (Dalman): Kieffer 1914b: 92; Berland 1928: 147; Nagy 1967a: 123.

Epigonatopus sakaii Esaki & Hashimoto 1933: 20; type locality of holotype: Oita (Kyushu, Japan); type locality of neotype; Shiida-cho (Kyushu, Japan); Esaki & Mochizuki 1941: 27; syn. nov.

Tetrodontochelys ljunghii (Westwood): Richards 1939: 217; Nagy 1967a: 123; J. Perkins 1976: 35.

Pachygonatopus arnoldii Ponomarenko 1966: 1578 (synonymized by Olmi 1984); type locality: Derkul (Ukraine); Currado & Olmi 1972: 160; Ponomarenko 1978: 25.

Tetrodontochelys pedestris (Dalman): Olmi & Currado 1977: 76; Olmi 1984: 1437; Nilsson 1986: 89; Olmi 1989a: 6; Olmi 1993c: 408.

Tetrodontochelys sakaii (Esai & Hashimoto): Olmi 1984: 1441.

Gonatopus sakaii (Esaki & Hashimoto): Guglielmino & Olmi 1997: 193; He & Xu 2002: 328; Guglielmino & Olmi 2006: 52.

Description of female (Plates 108A, 123A). Apterous; length 2.5–3.0 mm. Head black or brown, except mandible, clypeus and anterior region of face yellow or yellow-brown; occasionally occiput testaceous; antenna yellow or yellow-brown or testaceous; mesosoma black; occasionally pronotum brown-testaceous; metasoma black; legs yellow, occasionally with part of coxae and part of clubs of femora brown or black. Antenna clavate; antennal segments in following proportions: 5:4:10:6:6:6:5:5:5:8. Head weakly excavated, shiny, granulated; occasionally head shiny and unsculptured, except occiput granulated; frontal line complete or only present in posterior half of face; occipital carina absent; POL = 3; OL = 2; OOL = 5; greatest breadth of posterior ocelli shorter than OL (1:2). Palpal formula 2/2, 3/2, or 4/2. Pronotum shiny, smooth, slightly granulated, not crossed by transverse impression or very slightly impressed. Scutum dull, granulated. Metanotum transversely striate, not hollow behind scutellum. Metathorax + propodeum granulated, usually with track of median longitudinal furrow, with posterior surface not transversely striate; occasionally transversely striate only on posterior half. In specimen from Russia, Vishka, posterior surface of propodeum granulated and not transversely striate. Meso-metapleural suture obsolete. Protarsal segments in following proportions: 13:2:3:9:15. Enlarged claw (Plate 123B) with one small subapical tooth and some bristles. Segment 5 of protarsus (Plate 123B) with one row of two–seven minute lamellae situated in distal half; distal apex with four–nine lamellae. Tibial spurs 1/0/1.

Description of male (Plate 124A, B). Fully winged; length 2.4–2.9 mm. Head black, except mandible testaceous; antenna black-brown, except segments 1–2 yellow; mesosoma black; metasoma black-brown; legs black-brown, except stalk of profemur and protibia yellow. Antenna filiform; antennal segments in following proportions: 5:5:10:10:10:10:8:8:7:10; antennal segment 3 more than four times as long as broad (5.0–5.6). Head dull, granulated; frontal line absent; occipital carina absent; temple distinct; POL = 7; OL = 3; OOL = 3; greatest breadth of posterior ocelli shorter than OOL (2:3, or 2:4); in specimen from Japan, Funako, POL = 8; OL = 3.5; OOL = 3; greatest breadth of posterior ocelli as long as OOL; vertex without two oval smooth and shiny areas between posterior ocelli and eyes. Scutum dull, granulated. Notauli complete, posteriorly separated; minimum distance between notauli much shorter than greatest breadth of posterior ocelli (1:3). Scutellum and metanotum granulated. Propodeum dull, completely reticulate rugose. Fore wing hyaline, without dark transverse bands; stigmal vein not curved, forming angle between distal and proximal parts. Dorsal process of the paramere (Plate 122D) long and slender, with distal apex pointed. Tibial spurs 1/1/2.

Material examined. Types: ♀ lectotype (designated by Olmi & Currado, 1977) of G. pedestris: SWEDEN: Västergötland (NRS); ♀ holotype of G. ljunghii: UK, England, Surrey, Wimbledon Common, 12.VIII.1833, J.O. Westwood leg. (HMO); ♀ holotype of G. leucostomus: RUSSIA: Karelia, Jaakkima (ZMUH); ♀ holotype of P. arnoldii: UKRAINE: Lugansk, Derkul (ZMM); holotype of E. sakaii lost: JAPAN: Kyushu, Oita Pref., Oita; ♀ neotype of E. sakaii (designated by Olmi, 1984): JAPAN: Kyushu, Fukuoka Pref., Chikujou-gun, Shiida-cho (AMNH). Paratype of P. arnoldii: same locality label as holotype (ZMM). Other material. CHINA: Zhejiang, Hangzhou, 1.VII.1976, Junhua He leg., 1♂ (ZJUC); Zhejiang, Lin'an, 31.VII.1974, Junhua He leg., 1♀ (ZJUC). Palaearctic: China: Jilin, Dongfeng County, 7.VI.1982, Dongsheng Xu leg., 1♂ (SCAU); Liaoning, Fuxin, 27.VII.1994. Juxian Lou leg., 1♀ (ZJUC).

Hosts. Cicadellidae (Guglielmino & Olmi, 1997, 2006): in China: Nephotettix cincticeps (Uhler), Nephotettix nigropictus (Stål) and Nephotettix virescens (Distant) (He & Xu, 2002); in Finland: Diplocolenus abdominalis (Fabricius) (Lindberg, 1950); in Italy: Macrosteles laevis (Ribaut) (Currado & Olmi, 1972); Macrosteles quadripunctulatus (Kirschbaum) (Olmi, 1989a); in Japan: Nephotettix cincticeps (Uhler) (Esaki & Hashimoto, 1933, as N. bipunctatus cincticeps; Olmi, 1984, as N. bipunctatus cincticeps; Kitamura, 1987a, 1987b, as N. bipunctatus F.); Nephotettix nigropictus (Stål) (Grist & Lever, 1969, as N. apicalis (Mots.); Olmi, 1984, as N. apicalis (Mots.)); in Turkey: Macrosteles quadripunctulatus (Kirschbaum) (Olmi, 1989a); in UK (England): Conosanus obsoletus (Kirschbaum) (Butler, 1902).

The host record in France (Psammotettix maritimus Perris) quoted by Abdul-Nour (1974) and Perris (1857) is erroneous, because related to different species of dryinids (see Guglielmino & Olmi, 1997); the host record in Finland (Javesella obscurella Boheman) quoted by Lindberg (1950) is also erroneous, because G. pedestris does not parasitize Delphacidae (see Guglielmino & Olmi, 1997).

Distribution. China (Zhejiang), in addition to many countries of Eastern (Jilin, Liaoning (China), Kyushu (Japan), Siberia, Sakhalin Island (Russia)) and Western Palaearctic regions (from France to European Russia).

Remarks. G. sakaii is here synonymized with G. pedestris following the comparison of females and males from many localities (including Japan). The comparison showed that there are no differences between these two species.

Group 7

Thirty species are known.

Oriental Gonatopus group 7: key to the females

1. Segment 1 of protarsus about twice as long as segment 4....................................... G.yasumatsui Olmi

- Segment 1 of protarsus as long as, or shorter, or slightly longer than segment 4.................................... 2

2. Meso-metapleural suture distinct and complete.............................................................. 3

- Meso-metapleural suture obsolete....................................................................... 18

3. Metathorax + propodeum with more or less strong median longitudinal furrow; occasionally furrow faintly visible and similar to narrow line........................................................................................ 4

- Metathorax + propodeum without median longitudinal furrow.................................................. 8

4. Scutum, scutellum and metathorax + propodeum testaceous-reddish or testaceous-brown............................ 5

- Scutum, scutellum and metathorax + propodeum black....................................................... 7

5. Anterior surface of metathorax + propodeum less inclined (Plate 130C); metathorax + propodeum with median furrow less deep................................................................................ G.philippinus Olmi

- Anterior surface of metathorax + propodeum more inclined (Plate 127A); metathorax + propodeum with median furrow deeper.................................................................................................... 6

6. Labial palpi 2-segmented................................................................... G. daunus Olmi

- Labial palpi 3-segmented................................................................ G. achterbergi Olmi

7. Species small; metathorax + propodeum with narrow median furrow similar to keel; vertex of head slightly excavated............................................................................................ G.maurus Kieffer

- Species large; metathorax + propodeum with broad median furrow; vertex of head strongly excavated...... G.medius Olmi

8. Thorax and propodeum black, or brown, or brown-testaceous.................................................. 9

- Thorax and propodeum totally or mostly reddish or testaceous................................................ 15

9. Metanotum not hollow behind scutellum (Plate 128E)....................................................... 10

- Metanotum hollow behind scutellum (Plate 127B).......................................................... 12 10. Disc of metathorax + propodeum sculptured by many transverse striae; anterior surface of metathorax + propodeum sculptured by many parallel longitudinal striae; segment 5 of protarsus with medial lamellae situated on prominence (Plate 128G)........................................................................................... G.maurus Kieffer

- Disc and anterior surface of metathorax + propodeum without sculpture or granulated, not sculptured by transverse or longitudinal striae; segment 5 of protarsus with medial lamellae not situated on prominence (Plates 125C, 128F).............. 11

11. Pronotum and metathorax + propodeum shiny, unscultured, except transverse keels on pleura and posterior surface of propodeum................................................................................ G. lucidus (Rohwer)

- Pronotum and metathorax + propodeum dull, granulated, except transverse striae on pleura and on sides of posterior surface of propodeum.............................................................................. G. beaveri Olmi

12. Head totally testaceous-reddish or mostly brown-testaceous.................................................. 13

- Head totally black, with mandible, clypeus and occasionally also the anterior margin of face partly testaceous........... 14

13. Head with OL more than twice as long as POL; enlarged claw with subapical tooth farther from distal apex (Plate 127D)........................................................................................... G.fyanensis Olmi

- Head with OL about as long as POL; enlarged claw with subapical tooth nearer distal apex (Plate 136A)................................................................................................... G. yunnanensis sp. nov.

14. Head with face narrow and long (Plate 128C); face and occiput sculptured by numerous parallel and longitudinal striae........................................................................................... G. lankanus Olmi

- Head with face shorter and more transverse (Plate 127E); face and occiput smooth and slightly granulated, not sculptured by parallel striae........................................................................ G. hainanensis Olmi

15. Pronotum, scutum and anterior surface of metathorax + propodeum strongly sculptured by longitudinal striae................................................................................................ G.sitae Ponomarenko

- Pronotum, scutum and anterior surface of metathorax + propodeum smooth, not sculptured by longitudinal striae........ 16

16. Head with OL approximately five times as long as POL.............................................. G.thai Olmi

- Head with OL approximately as long as, or less than three times as long as POL.................................. 17

17. Sides of metanotum laterally rounded (Plate 130G)............................................ G. rufoniger Olmi

- Sides of metanotum rising to lateral rounded protrusion (Plate 125E)............................. G. cantonensis Olmi

18. Posterior surface of metathorax + propodeum not transversely striate, or striate only near petiole..................... 19

- Posterior surface of metathorax + propodeum completely transversely striate..................................... 21

19. Head and mesosoma smooth, unsculptured, except for some striae..................................... G. viet Olmi

- At least metathorax + propodeum granulated.............................................................. 20

20. Segment 5 of protarsus with two rows of lamellae (Plate 125B)................................... G. attenuatus Olmi

- Segment 5 of protarsus with one row of lamellae (Plate 127G)..................................... G. iarensis Olmi

21. Segment 5 of protarsus with two rows of lamellae (shorter row partly or completely located in distal half of segment 5) (Plates 126F, 127H, 129C)................................................................................... 22

- Segment 5 of protarsus without rows of lamellae or with one–two rows of lamellae (in case of two rows, shorter row completely located in proximal half of segment 5) (Plates 107B, 129B, 131F)....................................... 24

22. Segment 5 of protarsus with two rows of lamellae beginning in proximal third of the segment (Plate 126F)................................................................................................... G. cristatus (Kieffer)

- Segment 5 of protarsus with two rows of lamellae located in distal half of segment (Plates 127H, 129C)............... 23

23. Scutum, scutellum and metathorax + propodeum totally testaceous-reddish........................... G.nivosus Olmi

- Scutum, scutellum and metathorax + propodeum totally black................................ G.javanus (R. Perkins)

24. Segment 5 of protarsus without rows of medial lamellae, with only one normal lamella (Plate 107B)...... G. abjectus Olmi

- Segment 5 of protarsus with one–two rows of normal medial lamellae.......................................... 25

25. Metanotum very flat, much longer than scutellum........................................... G. schenklingi Strand

- Metanotum less flat, about as long as, or much shorter than scutellum........................................... 26

26. Metathorax + propodeum with anterior surface dull, granulated, with track of median furrow.......... G.mysorensis Olmi

- Metathorax + propodeum with anterior surface shiny, smooth, unsculptured, without track of median furrow............ 27

27. Head with vertex and face strongly sculptured by longitudinal striae............................................ 28

- Head with vertex and face smooth, not sculptured by longitudinal striae......................................... 29

28. Enlarged claw shorter, without teeth and with proximal half much broader (Plate 132C)............. G. viraktamathi Olmi

- Enlarged claw longer, with one small subapical tooth and with proximal half slender (Plate 131J)......... G. superbus Olmi

29. Species large, with maxillary palpi 6-segmented............................................... G. besucheti Olmi

- Species small, with maxillary palpi composed of less than six segments......................................... 30

30. Head more excavated (Plate 130E); scutum and metathorax + propodeum testaceous-reddish....... G. plebeius (R. Perkins)

- Head less excavated (Plate 129D); scutum and metathorax + propodeum black or black-brown.... G. perpolitus (R. Perkins)


Published as part of Xu, Zaifu, Olmi, Massimo & He, Junhua, 2013, Dryinidae of the Oriental region (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), pp. 1-460 in Zootaxa 3614 (1) on pages 395-399, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3614.1.1,


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Collection code
Event date
1833-08-12 , 1974-07-31 , 1976-07-01 , 1982-06-07 , 1994-07-27
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Type status
holotype , lectotype , paratype
Verbatim event date
1833-08-12 , 1974-07-31 , 1976-07-01 , 1982-06-07 , 1994-07-27
Taxonomic concept label
Gonatopus pedestris Dalman, 1818 sec. Xu, Olmi & He, 2013


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