Published November 3, 2023 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Fenestrolaimus Filipjev 1927

  • 1. https: // orcid. org / 0009 - 0009 - 4985 - 086 X
  • 2. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7553 - 2031


Genus Fenestrolaimus Filipjev, 1927

Syn. Trichenoplus Mawson, 1956

This genus was erected by Filipjev (1927) with the original description of three species Fenestrolaimus insulaealbae Filipjev, 1927, Fenestrolaimus murmanicus Filipjev, 1927 and Fenestrolaimus profundis Filipjev, 1927. This genus is close to Symplocostoma Bastian, 1865 and Chaetonema Filipjev, 1927, but differs by the original and most complex structure of the buccal capsule and by the presence of the cephalic capsule (Filipjev 1927). Later, Fenestrolaimus vestitus Gerlach, 1956a was described and Lorenzen (1981, 1994) synonymized Trichenoplus with Fenestrolaimus because they are similar in all aspects, renaming Trichenoplus antarcticus Mawson, 1956 to Fenestrolaimus antarcticus (Mawson, 1956) Lorenzen, 1981. Although several species were described by different authors, the entire genus is just based on females.


1. Fenestrolaimus antarcticus (Mawson, 1956) Lorenzen, 1981 (Antarctica)

2. Fenestrolaimus insulaealbae Filipjev, 1927 (Russia, Kara Sea, lapsus insulae-albae)

3. Fenestrolaimus murmanicus Filipjev, 1927 (Russia, Kara Sea)

4. Fenestrolaimus profundis Filipjev, 1927 (Russia, Kara Sea)

5. Fenestrolaimus vestitus Gerlach, 1956a (France, Saint-Jean-de-Luz)

Syn. Chaetonema oxystomoides Delamare Deboutteville, Gerlach & Siewing, 1955


Published as part of De Souza, João V. & Maria, Tatiana F., 2023, Taxonomic review of Thoracostomopsidae (Nematoda, Enoplida): state of the art, list of valid species and dichotomous keys, pp. 463-496 in Zootaxa 5361 (4) on page 490, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5361.4.2,


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Fenestrolaimus Filipjev, 1927 sec. Souza & Maria, 2023


  • Filipjev, I. N. (1927) Les nematodes libres des mers septentrionales appartenant a la famille des Enoplidae. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Abteilung A, Original-Arbeiten, 1 - 216.
  • Mawson, P. M. (1956) Free-living nematodes. Section I. Enoploidea from Antarctic Stations. Report Series, BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition, 3, 37 - 74.
  • Bastian, H. C. (1865) II. Monograph on the Anguillulidae, or Free Nematoids, Marine, Land, and Freshwater; with Descriptions of 100 New Species. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, 25 (2), 73 - 184. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1865. tb 00179. x
  • Gerlach, S. A. (1956 a) Neue Nematoden aus dem Kustengrund was ser des Golfes de Gascogne (Biskaya). Vie et Milieu, 6 (3), 426 - 434.
  • Lorenzen, S. (1981) Entwurf eines phylogenetischen Systems der freilebenden Nematoden. Veroffentlichungen des Instituts fur Meeresforschung in Bremerhaven, 7 (Supplement), 1 - 472.
  • Lorenzen, S. (1994) The phylogenetic systematics of free-living nematodes. No. 162. The Ray Society Institute, London, 383 pp.
  • Delamare Deboutteville, C., Gerlach, S. & Siewing, R. (1955) Recherches sur la faune des eaux souterraines littorales du golfe de Gascogne. Littoral des Landes. Vie et Milieu, 5 (3), 371 - 407.