Published September 12, 2024
| Version 1.10.0
The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) Specification
- Oliver-Taylor, Aaron
- Li, Adam
Thomas, Adam1
Flinker, Adeen2
Wagner, Adina S.3
Karakuzu, Agah
Nikolaidis, Aki
- Lazari, Alberto
- de la Vega, Alejandro
Giacomel, Alessio4
Rockhill, Alex
- Jones, Alexander
Cohen, Alexander L.5
- von Lautz, Alexander
Gramfort, Alexandre6
- Hutton, Alexandre
Routier, Alexandre
Foias, Alexandru
- Khan, Ali
- Wickenheiser, Alizee7
- Fouto, Ana
- Eklund, Anders
- Pigorini, Andrea
- Hoopes, Andrew
- Jahn, Andrew
- Janke, Andrew
Sólon, Anibal
Galassi, Anthony
Sala, Arianna8
Rokem, Ariel9
- Stolk, Arjen
Delorme, Arnaud10
- Marcoux, Arnaud
Basavaraj, Arshitha11
- Gillman, Ashley G.
Monika Mowinckel, Athanasia12
- Gunduz, Aysegul
Adebimpe, Azeez13
- Nolan Nichols, B.
- Kincses, Balint
- Beasley, Benjamin
Dichter, Benjamin14
Gagl, Benjamin15
Thirion, Bertrand
Voytek, Bradley16
- Foster, Brett L.
- Wandell, Brian A.
- Lundstrom, Brian N.
Maumet, Camille17
Miniussi, Carlo18
- Madjar, Cecile7
- Pasturel, Chloé
- Benjamin, Chris
- Gahnström, Chris
Holdgraf, Chris
Gorgolewski, Chris J.19
Rorden, Chris20
- Büchel, Christian
Horea, Christian21
Rogers, Christine22
Phillips, Christophe23
Honey, Christopher J.24
- Markiewicz, Christopher J.
- Lee-Messer, Christopher
- Moreau, Clara
- Hansen, Clint25
Pernet, Cyril26
Eierud, Cyrus27
- Sturgeon, D.
Levitas, Dan28
- Lurie, Dan
- Handwerker, Daniel A.
- Alsop, David
Boas, David29
Groppe, David30
Keator, David31
- McAlpine, David
- Thomas, David
Draschkow, Dejan32
Patterson, Dianne33
- Papadopoulos Orfanos, Dimitri
- Petrov, Dmitry
- Hermes, Dora
Huijser, Dorien34
- Greve, Douglas N.
- Macleod, Duncan
- Truong, Dung10
Nielson, Dylan
Ort, Eduard35
Marcantoni, Eleonora36
- Bock, Elizabeth
DuPre, Elizabeth37
- Warmerdam, Elke38
- Karaca, Erdal
Earl, Eric A.39
- Achten, Eric
- Bridgeford, Eric
- Dickie, Erin W.
Blackwood, Ethan13
Duff, Eugene P.40
Mikulan, Ezequiel41
- Orihuela-Espina, Felipe
- Alfaro Almagro, Fidel
Szczepankiewicz, Filip42
Maria Castelli, Filippo43
- Pestilli, Franco
Feingold, Franklin W.44
- Tadel, François
Rizzo, Gaia45
Chen, Gang46
- Varoquaux, Gaël
Vaillant, Ghislain
Bertazzoli, Giacomo47
Guidali, Giacomo48
Mazzamuto, Giacomo49
- de Hollander, Gilles
- Piantoni, Gio
- Knudsen, Gitte M.
- Castegnaro, Giulio
Gallitto, Giuseppe50
- Searle, Graham
- Matheson, Granville J.
Kiar, Gregory51
- Noack, Gregory
Gilmore, Greydon
Flandin, Guillaume52
Schaefer, Gunnar
Nilsonne, Gustav53
Innes-Brown, Hamish54
Hansen, Hanne D.55
Lu, Hanzhang56
Wang, Hao-Ting57
Cockx, Helena58
Mutsaerts, Henk59
- Ombao, Hernando
- Boniface, Hugo
Isik, Ilkay60
- Lipp, Ilona
- Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility, International
- Groen, Iris
Staden, Isla
- von der Aar, Jaap
Kaczmarzyk, Jakub
Gholam, James
- Kent, James
Mathijs Schoffelen, Jan61
Petr, Jan62
- Schoffelen, Jan-Mathijs
Poline, Jean-Baptiste
Houde, Jean-Christophe63
Gallezot, Jean-Dominique64
Lachaux, Jean-Philippe65
- Mumford, Jeanette66
- Casimir, Jefferson7
- Ojemann, Jeffrey G.
- Grethe, Jeffrey S.
- JegouA
Dalenberg, Jelle67
- Moreau, Jeremy
- Turner, Jessica A.
Rieger, Jochem68
Detre, John13
Pellman, John
- Wodder, John T.
Durnez, Joke44
Haitz Legarreta Gorroño, Jon69
- Lau, Jonathan C.
- Winawer, Jonathan
Kuijer, Joost70
- Manuel Saborit, Jose
Wexler, Joseph71
Woods, Joseph72
Guiomar Niso Galán, Julia73
Sprenger, Julia74
Cohen-Adad, Julien75
Welzel, Julius25
- Miller, Kai J.
Lee, Kangjoo76
Heuer, Katja77
Robbins, Kay78
- Larcher, Kevin
Ray, Kimberly79
Whitaker, Kirstie80
Gregorova, Klara
- Gramann, Klaus81
- Thielemans, Kris
Bouchard, Kristofer82
- Schilling, Kurt
- Fesselier, Laetitia7
- and John Arnold Foundation, Laura
Beltrachini, Leandro83
Kamentsky, Lee84
Walger, Lennart
Wittkuhn, Lennart85
- Hamilton, Liberty
Pollonini, Luca86
- Hernandez-Garcia, Luis
Edwards, Luke J.87
Zehl, Lyuba88
Jas, Mainak
- Narayan, Manjari
Mercier, Manuel89
Yaqub, Maqsood90
Lalancette, Marc91
Castellaro, Marco92
de la Iglesia, Maria93
- Bourget, Marie-Hélène
Mikkelsen, Mark94
Morawski, Markus95
Bortoletto, Marta96
- Craig, Martin
Noergaard, Martin97
Szinte, Martin98
- Wilson, Martin
Bulgari, Martina48
- Pawlik, Mateusz
Goncalves, Mathias99
Boudreau, Mathieu100
- Sanderson, Matt
Tonietto, Matteo101
- Günther, Matthias
- Van Osch, Matthias
- J Shader, Maureen
- Pasternak, Maurice
van den Boom, Max A.102
Ganz-Benjaminsen, Melanie103
- Chappell, Michael
- Hanke, Michael
- Harms, Michael P.
- Milham, Michael P.
- Notter, Michael P.
Schirner, Michael104
Naveau, Mikaël105
Pouratian, Nader
Petridou, Natalia106
- Institute of Mental Health, National
Hardcastle, Nell
- Traut, Nicholas
- Ramsey, Nick F.
- Swann, Nicole C.
Beliy, Nikita107
Bigdely Shamlo, Nima
- David, Olivier
Devinsky, Orrin108
Esteban, Oscar109
LaMontagne, Pamela
- Sethi, Parul
Clement, Patricia110
- Park, Patrick
Toussaint, Paule-Joanne111
Herholz, Peer112
Ritter, Petra113
- Rioux, Pierre
Vandemaele, Pieter114
- Reddy Raamana, Pradeep
- Cameron Craddock, R.
Gau, Remi115
Höchenberger, Richard116
Henson, Richard N.117
Innis, Robert B.118
Smith, Robert E.119
- Knight, Robert
- Luke, Robert
Oostenveld, Robert120
- Toro, Roberto
- Goyal, Rohan
- Blair, Ross W.
Poldrack, Russell A.121
- Adon, Rémi
- Das, Samir
- Garcia, Samuel
Guay, Samuel122
Nastase, Samuel123
- Elgayar, Sara
D'Ambrosio, Sasha124
Ghosh, Satrajit S.125
Makeig, Scott126
Jeung, Sein81
- Bansal, Shashank
Vos, Sjoerd B.127
Hayashi, Soichi73
Appelhoff, Stefan85
- Bickel, Stephan
Meisler, Steven128
- Bhogawar, Suyash
- Baillet, Sylvain
Takerkart, Sylvain129
Tourbier, Sébastien130
- Grothkopp, Sören81
- Pal Attia, Tal
Yarkoni, Tal
Spisak, Tamas131
- Józsa, Tamás
Salo, Taylor132
Brooks, Teon L.
Nichols, Thomas E.133
- Funck, Thomas
- Kirk, Thomas
Okell, Thomas32
Auer, Tibor134
Dickscheid, Timo135
Berg, Timotheus81
Betthauser, Tobey136
- Bengfort, Tobias
- Hampshire, Tom
- Wager, Tor
Riddle, Travis137
Glatard, Tristan
- Collins, Tyler138
Bingel, Ulrike
Sochat, Vanessa
- Raguram, Vasudev
- Calhoun, Vince D.139
Iacovella, Vittorio
- Siless, Viviana140
Litvak, Vladimir141
- van der Zwaag, Wietske
- Clarke, William
- Triplett, William
Potters, Wouter V.
- Li, Xiangrui142
Halchenko, Yaroslav O.143
Ashar, Yoni
- Wang, Yuan
- Michael, Zachary
- ezemikulan
- josator2
- monkeyman192
Bergeron, Étienne144
- 1. NIMH, Intramural Research Program, Bethesda, MD, 20891, USA
- 2. New York University, Department of Neurology, New York City, New York, 10016, USA
- 3. Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-7), Research Center Juelich, Juelich, 52428, Germany
- 4. GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development
- 5. Boston Children's Hospital, Department of Neurology, Boston, MA, 02115, USA
- 6. Inria, Université Paris-Saclay
- 7. LORIS, MCIN, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
- 8. université de Liège, Belgium
- 9. University of Washington, Psychology, Seattle, WA, 98107, United States of America
- 10. Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
- 11. NIMH, Data Science and Sharing Team, Bethesda, MD, 20892, USA
- 12. University of Oslo
- 13. University of Pennsylvania
- 14. CatalystNeuro
- 15. University of Vienna
- 16. UC San Diego, Cognitive Science and Data Science, La Jolla, CA, 92093, USA
- 17. Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, Inserm, Rennes, 35042, France
- 18. University of Trento
- 19. Google LLC
- 20. University of South Carolina, Department of Psychology, Columbia, SC, 29016, USA
- 21. Dartmouth College, PBS, Hanover NH/USA
- 22. McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, Montreal Neurological Institute
- 23. University of Liège, GIGA CRC in vivo imaging, Liège, 4000, Belgium
- 24. Johns Hopkins University, Psychological and Brain Sciences, Baltimore, MD, 21218, United States
- 25. Kiel University
- 26. Neurobiology Research Unit, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
- 27. Georgia State University
- 28. Indiana University, Psychological & Brain Sciences, Bloomington, IN, 47405, USA
- 29. Boston University, Biomedical Engineering, Boston, MA 02215 USA
- 30. Persyst Development Corporation, R&D, Toronto, ON M4K 1W8 Canada
- 31. Change Your Brain, Change Your Life Foundation
- 32. University of Oxford
- 33. University of Arizona, RII, Tucson Arizona 85721 USA
- 34. Utrecht University
- 35. Heinrich-Heine-University, Department of Experimental Psychology, Dusseldorf, 40224, Germany
- 36. IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli di Brescia
- 37. Stanford University, Department of Psychology, Stanford, CA, 94063, USA
- 38. Saarland University
- 39. NIMH Data Science & Sharing Team, Bethesda, MD, 20892, USA
- 40. UK Dementia Research Institute, Imperial College London, UK
- 41. University of Milan
- 42. Lund University
- 43. University of Florence, European Laboratory for NonLinear Spectroscopy, Sesto Fiorentino, (FI), 50019, Italy
- 44. Stanford University
- 45. Invicro, Burlington Danes Building, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Hospital, Du Cane Road, London, W12 0NN, UK
- 46. National Institutes of Health, Scientific and Statistical Computing Core, NIMH, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
- 47. Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli
- 48. IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli
- 49. National Institute of Optics, National Research Council
- 50. Essen University Hospital
- 51. Child Mind Institute
- 52. University College London
- 53. Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Stockholm, 17177, Sweden
- 54. Oticon A/S, Eriksholm Research Centre, Snekkersten, Denmark
- 55. Copenhagen University Hospital, Neurobiology Research Unit, Section 8057, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
- 56. Johns Hopkins Medicine
- 57. CRIUGM, Montreal, Quebec, H3W 1W5, Canada
- 58. Radboud University
- 59. Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Radiology and Nuclear Department, Amsterdam, 1013 EG, The Netherlands
- 60. Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics
- 61. Radboud University Nijmegen, Donders Institute, Nijmegen, 6500 HB, The Netherlands
- 62. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, 01309, Germany
- 63. Université de Sherbrooke
- 64. Yale School of Medicine, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, New Haven, CT, 06511, USA
- 65. INSERM
- 66. Stanford, Department of Psychology, Stanford, CA
- 67. University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Neurology, Movement Disorders Groningen, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ, Groningen
- 68. Oldenburg University, Dept. of Psychology, 26129, Germany
- 69. Université de Sherbrooke, Department of Computer Science, Sherbrooke, (Québec), J1K 2R1, Canada
- 70. Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam, 1081 HV, The Netherlands
- 71. Loyola University Chicago
- 72. University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Oxford, UK
- 73. Indiana University
- 74. Institute de Neuroscience de la Timone, CNRS, Marseille, 13005, France
- 75. Polytechnique Montreal, Department of Electrical Engineering, Montreal, QC, Canada
- 76. Yale School of Medicine
- 77. Institut Pasteur
- 78. University of Texas at San Antonio Department of Computer Science San Antonio, TX 78249 USA
- 79. UT Austin
- 80. University of Cambridge
- 81. Technical University Berlin
- 82. LBNL, Scientific Data Division
- 83. Cardiff University, Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), UK
- 84. MIT
- 85. Max Planck Institute for Human Development
- 86. University of Houston, Dept. of Engineering Technology, Houston TX 77204, USA
- 87. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- 88. Forschungszentrum Jülich
- 89. Dynamics of Cognitive Processes Group Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, INS - UMR 1106 Inserm Aix-Marseille Université, France
- 90. Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc
- 91. Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital, McConnell Brain Imaging Center, Montreal, Quebec, H2A
- 92. University of Padova, Department of Information Engineering, Padova, Italy
- 93. FISABIO, Join Unit Biomedical Imagin, Valencia, Valencia, 46006, Spain
- 94. Weill Cornell Medicine
- 95. Universität Leipzig
- 96. IRCCS Centro S Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli
- 97. Stanford University, Department of Psychology, CA, 94304, USA
- 98. CNRS, Institut des Neurosciences de la Timone, Marseille, 13008, France
- 99. Psychology Department, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, 94305, USA
- 100. Polytechnique Montréal
- 101. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Research and Early Development, Basel, 4070, Switzerland
- 102. Mayo Clinic, Department of neurosurgery, Rochester, MN, USA
- 103. University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science, Copenhagen, 2100, Denmark
- 104. Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Neurology, Berlin, 10115, Germany
- 105. UAR3408-US50 CYCERON, Caen, 14000, France
- 106. High Field Dpt, Center for Image Sciences, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3584 CX Utrecht, NL
- 107. University of Liege (Liege, Belgium)
- 108. NYU School of Medicine
- 109. Department of Radiology, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, CH-1011, Switzerland
- 110. Department of Medical Imaging / Department of Medical Sciences, Ghent University Hospital / Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
- 111. McGill University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
- 112. NeuroDataScience - ORIGAMI lab, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada
- 113. Charité University Medicine Berlin, Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, 10115, Germany
- 114. Ghent University Hospital
- 115. Université catholique de Louvain
- 116. Inria Saclay - Île-de-France Research Centre
- 117. MRC CBU, University of Cambridge, UK
- 118. NIMH Intramural Research Program, Bethesda, MD 20850 USA, MD 20892 USA
- 119. The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Epilepsy Neuroinformatics Laboratory, Heidelberg, Victoria, 3084, Australia
- 120. Radboud University, Donders Institute, Nijmegen, 6525 EN, The Netherlands
- 121. Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
- 122. Université de Montréal, Montreal, Québec, CA
- 123. Princeton University
- 124. University of Milan, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, Milan, 20137, Italy
- 125. MIT, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- 126. Institute for Neural Computation, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92-93-0955, USA
- 127. University of Western Australia;Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation, and Analysis;Perth;WA;6009;Australia
- 128. Program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology, Harvard University
- 129. CNRS, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), Marseille, France
- 130. Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Department of Clinical Neurosciences (DNC), Lausanne, 1007, Switzerland
- 131. University Hospital Essen, Center for Translational and Behavioral Neuroscience, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology
- 132. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Psychiatry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19104, United States
- 133. University of Oxford, Big Data Institute, Oxford, OX3 7LF, UK
- 134. University of Surrey, School of Psychology, Guildford, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom
- 135. Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Jülich, 52428, Germany
- 136. University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 137. National Police Foundation
- 138. BrockU, LORIS, MCIN, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
- 139. Tri-institutional Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS), Georgia State, Georgia Tech, and Emory, Atlanta, GA 30030
- 140. Business School, Universidad Torcuato di Tella
- 141. UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
- 142. The Ohio State University
- 143. Dartmouth College
- 144. Collège Sainte-Anne de Lachine
The Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) is a simple and intuitive way to organize and describe data.
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