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Published November 2, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Dataset for the paper "Aircraft wake vortices affecting airport wind measurements"

  • 1. Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • 2. ROR icon ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
  • 3. Swiss International Airlines


Dataset in support of the paper "Aircraft wake vortices affecting airport wind measurements". The dataset contains the results of the manual classification as discussed in section 2 and 3 of the paper, details can be found there.

For each take-off, one row exists in the dataset. The columns are:

  • takeoff_no: int, Incrementing integer
  • timestamp: string, UTC time the flight passes by the anemometer
  • flight_id: string, Unique identifier for the flight
  • typecode: string, ICAO aircraft typecode of the flight
  • wtc: string: ICAO wake turbulence category of the flight
  • groundspeed_kts: float, Groundspeed [kts] at the moment of passing by the anemometer
  • alt_above_thr_m: float, Altitude above runway threshold [m] at the moment of passing by the anemometer
  • wind_speed_kts: float, Wind speed [kts]. Computed as a mean of the sensor values for a 2min window ending at the crossing timestamp
  • wind_dir_deg: float, Wind direction [°]. Computed as a mean of the sensor values for a 2min window ending at the crossing timestamp
  • is_event_visual_assessor_1: int, Classification of assessor 1 of wheather the flight caused a wake that hit the anemometer
  • is_event_visual_assessor_2: int, Classification of assessor 2 of wheather the flight caused a wake that hit the anemometer
  • is_event_visual_assessor_3: int, Classification of assessor 3 of wheather the flight caused a wake that hit the anemometer
  • is_event_visual_sum: int, Sum of classifications of 3 assessors (0 to 3)
  • is_event_wake_model: float, Classification of wheather the flight caused a wake that hit the anemometer based on P2P wake model output (only applied to flights with a sum of classifications of 2 and more)
  • is_event: int, Final classification of wheather the flight caused a wake that hit the anemometer




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Is published in
Conference paper: 10.59490/joas.2023.7212 (DOI)