Published October 16, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Data set: "Higher Antarctic ice sheet accumulation and surface melt rates revealed at 2 km resolution"

  • 1. ROR icon University of Liège
  • 2. ROR icon Utrecht University
  • 3. ROR icon Delft University of Technology
  • 4. ROR icon Pennsylvania State University
  • 5. ROR icon KU Leuven


This data set includes the materials required to reproduce the figures and tables presented in the study: "Higher Antarctic ice sheet accumulation and surface melt rates revealed at 2 km resolution". The data consist of:


ASCII files:

  1. SMB-ANT-Sectors-1979-2021-RACMO2.3p2-ERA5-2km.txt: time series of Antarctic sector-integrated annual SMB (Gt per year) from ERA5-forced RACMO2.3p2 at 27 km, statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution (1979-2021).
  2. Melt-ANT-Sectors-1979-2021-RACMO2.3p2-ERA5-2km.txt: time series of Antarctic sector-integrated annual surface melt (Gt per year) from ERA5-forced RACMO2.3p2 at 27 km, statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution (1979-2021).
  3. Melt-ANT-Sectors-1950-2014-RACMO2.3p2-CESM2-HIST-2km.txt: time series of Antarctic sector-integrated annual surface melt from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 historical reconstruction (HIST), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution (1950-2014).
  4. Melt-ANT-Sectors-2015-2099-RACMO2.3p2-CESM2-SSP126-2km.txt: time series of Antarctic sector-integrated annual surface melt from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 SSP1-2.6 projection (SSP126), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution (2015-2099).
  5. Melt-ANT-Sectors-2015-2099-RACMO2.3p2-CESM2-SSP245-2km.txt: time series of Antarctic sector-integrated annual surface melt from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 SSP2-4.5 projection (SSP245), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution (2015-2099).
  6. Melt-ANT-Sectors-2015-2099-RACMO2.3p2-CESM2-SSP585-2km.txt: time series of Antarctic sector-integrated annual surface melt from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 SSP5-8.5 projection (SSP585), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution (2015-2099).

Antarctic sectors include the Antarctic Peninsula (APIS), the West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS), the East Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS), the grounded Antarctic ice sheet (AIS), the floating ice shelves (Ice shelves), and the whole of Antarctica (ANT) including both the AIS and Ice shelves. The APIS, WAIS, EAIS and AIS sectors include land ice from neighbouring Antarctic islands.


Netcdf files:

  1. map of annual SMB (kg per m² or mm w.e. per year) from ERA5-forced RACMO2.3p2 at 27 km, statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution, covering the whole of Antarctica (1979-2021).
  2. map of annual surface melt (kg per m² or mm w.e. per year) from ERA5-forced RACMO2.3p2 at 27 km, statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution, covering the whole of Antarctica (1979-2021).
  3. map of annual surface melt (kg per m² or mm w.e. per year) from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 historical reconstruction (HIST), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution, covering the whole of Antarctica (1950-2014).
  4. map of annual surface melt (kg per m² or mm w.e. per year) from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 SSP1-2.6 projection (SSP126), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution, covering the whole of Antarctica (2015-2099).
  5. map of annual surface melt (kg per m² or mm w.e. per year) from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 SSP2-4.5 projection (SSP245), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution, covering the whole of Antarctica (2015-2099).
  6. map of annual surface melt (kg per m² or mm w.e. per year) from CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 SSP5-8.5 projection (SSP585), statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution, covering the whole of Antarctica (2015-2099).
  7. file including the grounded AIS mask (AIS), Antarctic sectors mask (Sectors), floating ice shelves mask (Shelves), surface elevation down-sampled from REMA (Topography), latitude and longitude on the 2 km gridThe sector mask includes: 0 – Ocean, 1 – APIS, 2 – WAIS, 3 – EAIS, 4 – APIS islands, 5 – WAIS islands, 6 – EAIS islands, and 7 – ice shelves.  

The projection used for statistical downscaling is Polar Stereographic South (EPSG:3031) with a spatial resolution of 2 km x 2 km. 


Additional data: The gridded, daily downscaled SMB data sets from the ERA-forced RACMO2.3p2 simulation, and the CESM2-forced RACMO2.3p2 projections under a low-end SSP1-2.6, moderate SSP2-4.5 and high-end SSP5-8.5 warming scenario are freely available from the authors upon request and without conditions (contact: Besides SMB, the data sets include total precipitation (snow and rain), snowfall, total melt (snow and ice), runoff, refreezing and retention, drifting snow erosion, and total sublimation (surface and drifting snow) at 2 km horizontal resolution. 


Abstract: Antarctic ice sheet (AIS) mass loss is predominantly driven by increased solid ice discharge, but its variability is governed by surface processes. Snowfall fluctuations control the surface mass balance (SMB) of the grounded AIS, while meltwater ponding can trigger ice shelf collapse potentially accelerating discharge. Surface processes are essential to quantify AIS mass change, but remain poorly represented in climate models typically running at 25-100 km resolution. Here we present SMB and surface melt products statistically downscaled to 2 km resolution for the contemporary climate (1979-2021) and low, moderate and high-end warming scenarios until 2100. We show that statistical downscaling modestly enhances contemporary SMB (3%), which is sufficient to reconcile modelled and satellite mass change. Furthermore, melt strongly increases (46%), notably near the grounding line, in better agreement with in-situ and satellite records. The melt increase persists by 2100 in all warming scenarios, revealing higher surface melt rates than previously estimated.



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