Networking Activities for Nanotechnology-Facilitated Cancer Theranostics

Networking Activities for Nanotechnology-Facilitated Cancer Theranostics

Promoting cancer theranostics research at Bioscience Institute in Serbia

The main goal of the EU-funded NANOFACTS project is to improve and streamline research capabilities and collaboration in the field of cancer theranostics nanomaterials and biosensor-based diagnostics between the Bioscience Institute in Serbia (BIOS) and leading European research institutions. This action will advance and strengthen pre-existing links with the partner institutions expand the research agenda at BIOS. Different hands-on training activities for BIOS researchers will be organised at partner institutions, while lectures and workshops will be hosted in Serbia. The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, will provide support in the application of nanotechnology for cancer treatment and imaging, including validation and biocompatibility. Several chemistry Institutions at Vienna University of Technology, Austria, will provide expertise in the development of health-related biosensors.