Published September 28, 2023 | Version v0.11.5
Software Open

rstudio/learnr: learnr 0.11.5

  • 1. RStudio
  • 2. @rstudio
  • 3. Trestle Technology
  • 4. Posit Software, PBC
  • 5. Princeton University
  • 6. @posit
  • 7. @posit-pbc
  • 8. Posit, PBC @rstudio
  • 9. @coursekata
  • 10. @curso-r e Universidade de São Paulo
  • 11. @ropensci
  • 12. Hanwha Life Insurance
  • 13.
  • 14. @ThinkR-open
  • 15. Statistics for Sustainable Development @stats4sd
  • 16. A2-Ai
  • 17. Tufts University


New Features
  • You can now customize the "continue" button text in sub-topics by adding 'data-continue-text' with your custom label as a property of the section heading — e.g. ### Subtopic Title {data-continue-text="Show Solution"} (@dave-mills #777).

  • A new exercise.pipe tutorial or exercise chunk option can now be used to determine which pipe operator is used for interactive exercises. The default is "|>" (the native R pipe) when the tutorial is rendered with R >= 4.1.0, or "%>%" otherwise (the magrittr pipe). You can set the pipe used for the tutorial using tutorial_options(), or you can use exercise.pipe as a knitr chunk option on an individual exercise chunk. (#804)

Bug fixes and improvements
  • learnr tutorials now work when Quarto comment-style chunk options are used to set the chunk label (thanks @jimjam-slam, #795).

  • Added a new quick restore option that restores both the last submitted exercise code and the output of that submission, if the output is available to be restored. This option is enabled by setting the global option tutorial.quick_restore = 2 or the environment variable TUTORIAL_QUICK_RESTORE=2. This option augments the quick restore value when TRUE or 1, wherein only the last submitted code is restored, such that users will need to click the "Submit" button to evaluate and see the output. (#794)

  • When the LC_ALL environment variable is "C" or "C.UTF-8", R may ignore the LANGUAGE environment variable, which means that learnr may not be able to control the language of R's messages. learnr's tests no longer test R message translations in these cases. If you are deploying a tutorial written in a language other than English, you should ensure that the LC_ALL environment variable is not set to "C" or "C.UTF-8" and you may need to set the LANGUAGE variable via an .Renviron file rather than relying on learnr (#801).



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