Published December 1, 2016
| Version v1
Journal article
In Memoriam - Gheorghe Oaie
- 1. National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-Ecology (GeoEcoMar)
On the 18-th of July 2016 we said farewell to a dear friend and colleague, Gheorghe Oaie, who was totally committed to the institute and the profession he served unconditionally. His sudden death was a shock for the geological community and for all who knew him. We celebrated his 60 anniversary just 12 days before. We’ve lost a great friend and the Romanian scientific community has no longer such a representative, a bright figure through its dedication to our institute.
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- Best, M., Favali, P., Beranzoli, L., Cannat, M., Çagatay, N., Dañobeitia, J.J., Delory, E., Stigter, Ferré, B., Gillooly, M., Grant, F., Hall, P.O.J., Lykousis, V., Mienert J., de Miranda, J.M.A., Oaie, G., Rădulescu, V., Rolin, J.-F., Ruhl, H., Waldmann, C., 2014. EMSO – a distributed infrastructure for addressing geohazards and global ocean change. Oceanography 27, 2, 167–169
- Briceag, A., Yanchilina, A., Ryan, W.B.F., Oaie, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., 2016. Late Pleistocene-Holocene paleoenvironmental changes from the Romanian Black Sea shelf inferred by microfaunal and isotope fluctuations. 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, 305-312, DOI:10.5593/ sgem2016B11
- Crise, A., Kaberi, H., J. Ruiz, Zatsepin, A., Arashkevich, E., Giani, M., Karageorgis, A. P., Oaie, Gh., Secrieru, D. et al., 2015. A MSFD complementary approach for the assessment of pressures, knowledge and data gaps in Southern European Seas: the PERSEUS experience. Marine Pollution Bulletin 95, 28-39
- Dimitriu, R.G., Oaie, Gh., Gomoiu, M.-T., Ioane, D., Sava, C., Szobotka, St., Begun, T., Rădan, S., Paraschiv, G.M., 2004. An interdisciplinary geo-environmental research of Razelm-Sinoe lacustrine complex (Southern Danube Delta, Romania). An. Univ. Buc., LI
- Duliu, O., Oaie, Gh., Preoteasa, F., 2013. Time series analysis of Recent (1 kyr) euxinic sediments of the Black Sea: a case study. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 270, 2, 171 - 179
- Duliu, O., Iovea, M., Neagu, M., Oaie, Gh., 2006. An on-board dual-energy computer tomography for investigation of unconsolidated sediments and other geological samples. MENER 2006 Session, CD-rom, 1-8
- Duliu, O., Brustur, T., Szobotka, St., Oaie, Gh., Ricman, C., Alexe, V., Iovea, M., Hodorogea, S., 2008. Studiul interdisciplinar al ecosistemelor închise (lacuri alpine şi vulcanice) în vederea stabilirii nivelului de referinţă pentru aprecierea impactului factorului antropic: lacurile alpine din Masivul Făgăraş şi lacul Sf. Ana. Geo-Eco-Marina 14, Suppl. 1 – Stiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu (Annual session of scientific communications of GeoEcoMar), 179 – 185
- Duliu, O., Cristache, C., Oaie, Gh., Culicov, O. A., Frontasyeva, M. V., Toma, M., 2009a. ENAA studies of pollution in anoxic Black Sea sediments. Marine Pollution Bull., 58, 828 - 831
- Duliu, O., Cristache, C., Oaie, Gh., Ricman, C., Culicov, O. A., Frontasyeva, M. V., 2009b. Epithermal neutron activation analysis of some geological samples of different origin. 7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union. Proceedings Series of American Institute of Physics, 978/0/73540740/4/09, 489-494
- Florea, N., Cristache, C., Oaie, Gh., Duliu, O., 2011. Concordant 210Pb and 137Cs of the Black Sea anoxic unconsolidated sediments. Geochronometria, 38, 2, 101-106
- Gomoiu, M.T., Secrieru, D., Oaie, Gh., Cristescu, M., Nicolescu, N., Marinescu, V., 1999. Ecological state of the River Danube ecosystems in 1995. Geo-Eco-Marina, 3, 37 – 88
- Iovea, M., Oaie, Gh., Ricman, C., Mateiaşi, G., Neagu, M., Szobotka, S., Duliu, O.G., 2004. Dual energy X-ray computer axial tomography and digital radiography investigation of cores and other objects of geological interest. 32nd IGS, 14 p., Florence, Italy.
- Iovea, M., Oaie, Gh., Duliu, O.G., Bodale, M., Mateiaşi, G., Neagu, M., 2005. Single and dual-energy X-ray computer tomography and digital radiography study of sedimentary cores. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal environment, MEDCOAST 05, 1337-1348.
- Iovea, M., Neagu, M., Duliu, O., Oaie, Gh., Ricman, C., Mateiaşi, G., 2006. Dual- energy computer tomography and digital radiography investigation of organic and inorganic materials. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference ECNDT, 25-29 September, Berlin, Germany,
- Iovea, M., Neagu, M., Duliu, O., Oaie, Gh., Mateiaşi, G., 2007. A Dedicated Dual Energy X-ray Tomography/Radiography Equipment on-board of R/V Mare Nigrum. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital industrial Radiology and Computed Tomography - Lyon, France, papers/5.pdf
- Iovea, M., Oaie, Gh., Ricman, C., Mateiaşi, G., Neagu, M., Szobotka, Şt., Duliu, O.G., 2009. Dual energy X-ray computer axial tomography and digital radiography investigation of cores and other objects of geological interest. Engineering Geology, 103, 119 - 126
- Iovea, M., Neagu, M., Duliu, O., Oaie, Gh., Szobotka, Şt., Mateiaşi G., 2011. A dedicated on-board dual-energy computer tomograph. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 30, 3, 164 - 171
- Karageorgis, A.P., Gardner, W.D., Mikkelsen, O.A., Georgopoulos, D., Ogston, A.S., Assimakopoulou, G., Krasakopoulou, E., Oaie, Gh., Secrieru, D., Kanellopoulos, Th.D., Pagou, K., Anagnostou, Ch., Papathanassiou, E., 2014. Particle sources over the Danube River delta, Black Sea, based on distribution, composition and size using optics, imaging and bulk analyses. Journal of Marine Systems, 131, 74–90
- Maţenco, L., Munteanu, I., ter Borgh, M., Stanică, A., Tilita, M., Lericolais, G., Dinu C., Oaie, Gh., 2015. The interplay between tectonics, sediment dynamics and gateways evolution in the Danube system from the Pannonian Basin to the western Black Sea. Science of The Total Environment, 543, A, 807-827
- Melinte, M., Oaie, Gh., 2008. Modificări paleobiotice şi paleoecologice în partea de NV a Mării Negre. Geo-Eco-Marina 14, Supliment Nr. 1, Ştiinţele Pământului, Cunoaştere şi Mediu – Sesiune anuală de comunicări ştiinţifice a INCD GeoEcoMar), 63-68
- Melinte, M., Oaie, Gh. 2009. Fluctuaţii nanofloristice si schimbări ambientale holocene pe şelful românesc al Mării Negre. The 2-nd annual session of scientific communications of NRDI GeoEcoMar. CD-rom, 95 – 107
- Melinte, M-C., Oaie, G., 2009. Upper Holocene Calcareous Nannoplankton of the NW Black Sea. Geo-Eco-Marina 15, 47-52
- Oaie, Gh., Florescu, St., 2004. MARE NIGRUM – the first Romanian multidisciplinary research vessel in Romania. Geo-Eco-Marina 9-10 (2003-2004), DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.57519
- Oaie, Gh., Melinte, M. C., 2010. Holocene litho- and biostratigraphy of the NW Black Sea (Romanian Shelf). Quaternary International, 30, 1-10
- Oaie, Gh., Melinte, M. C., 2012. Holocene litho- and biostratigraphy of the NW Black Sea (Romanian Shelf). Quaternary International, 261, 146-155
- Oaie, Gh., Secrieru, D., Shimkus, K., 2005. Black Sea basin: sediment types and distribution, sedimentation processes. Geo-Eco-Marina 9 – 10, 21-30
- Oaie, Gh., Szobotka, Şt., Stănică, A., 1997. Environmental state of the River Danube in 1996, Geo-Eco-Marina 2, 149-162
- Oaie, Gh., Secrieru, D., Szobotka, Şt., Stănică, A., Soare, R., 1999. Pollution state of sediments dredged from the Sulina Distributary and Their Influence to the Danube Delta Front Area. Geo-Eco-Marina 4, 37-41.
- Oaie, Gh., Melinte, M. C., Opreanu, P., Seghedi, A., 2008. Possible tsunami phenomena along the north-western Black Sea coast. EMMM 2008 - Fifth Int. Conf. volume, Chennay (India), 229-236
- Oaie, Gh., Bondar, C., Secrieru, D., Seghedi, A., Diaconescu, M., Ioane, D., Ruzsa, G., 2007. Black Sea Basin: Assessment of Tsunami Marine Hazard. In: Lanyi, S., Vasiliu, N. (Eds.), "Excellence Research – A Way to ERA", Ed. Tehnică (ISSN 1843-5904), AMCSIT Conference Braşov 2007, CD-ROM 161 p.
- Oaie, Gh., Secrieru, D., Szobotka, Şt., Fulga, C., Stănică, A., 2005. Danube River: sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the bottom sediments. Geo-Eco-Marina 11, 77-85
- Oaie, Gh., Szobotka, Şt., Secrieru, D., Rădan, M., Rădan, S., Rădan, S.C., 1994. Monitoring geoecologic in cadrul macrosistemului Dunare - Delta Dunării prin metode geologice, geochimice si geofizice. Scientific Annals INCDD, III, 2, 335-346
- Oaie, Gh., Szobotka, Şt., Stănică, A., Grosu, A., Fulga, C., Opreanu, G., Ruzsa, G., Pestrea, S., 1998. Environmental Assessment of the River Danube between 1995 and 1997. Geo-Eco-Marina 3, 89-94
- Oaie G., Secrieru D., Bondar, C., Szobotka, Şt., Duţu, L., Stănescu, I., Opreanu, G., Duţu, F., Pojar, I., Manta, T., 2015. Lower Danube River: characterization of sediments and pollutants, 2015. Geo-Eco-Marina 21, 19-34
- Oaie, Gh., Seghedi, A., Secrieru, D., Avram, C., Voicaru, C., 2008. Succesiuni geologice costiere: observatii geologice asupra unor posibile strate de tip tsunami. Geo-Eco-Marina 14, Suppl. 1, "Earth Sciences, Knowledge and Environment", Annual session of scientific communications of NRDI GeoEcoMar, 167-172
- Opreanu, G., Oaie Gh., Păun F. 2007. The dynamic significance of the grain size of sediments transported and deposited by the Danube. Geo-Eco-Marina 13, 111 - 119
- Panin, N., Gomoiu, M.T., Oaie, Gh., Rădan, S., 1996. Researches on the River Danube – Black Sea system carried out by the Romanian Center for Marine Geology and Geo-ecology during 1995 in the framework of the EROS Project. Geo-Eco-Marina, 1, 90-113
- Popescu-Marinescu, V., Oaie, Gh., 1996. Angaben über die zahlenmässige dichte und biomasse der benthischen wirbellosen in den stauseen eisernen tor I und II. 31, Arbeitstagund der I.A.D., 1, 261- 266, Baja (Hungary)
- Poncos, V., Teleagă, D., Bondar, C., Oaie, Gh. 2013. A new insight on the water level dynamics of the Danube Delta using a high spatial density of SAR measurements. Journal of Hydrology, 482, 79–91
- Ranguelov, B., Radichev, R., Dimovsky, S., Oaie, Gh., Dimitriu, R., Diaconescu, M., Palazov, A., Dimitrov, O., Shanov, S., Dobrev, N., 2011. Marinegeohazard Project – Key core elements of the early warning system in the Black Sea. Annual of Univ. of Mining and Geology St. Ivan Rilski, 54, I, 177 – 182
- Rădan, M., Rădan, S.C., Rădan, S., Szobotka, St., Oaie, Gh., 1996. Monitoring prin susceptibilimetrie magnetică (faza 1995) în sistemul Dunăre - Delta Dunării; semnificaţii geoecologice. 2. Dunărea. Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute, V, 89-104
- Secrieru, D., Oaie, G., 2009. The Relation between the Grain Size Composition of the Sediments from the NW Black Sea and their Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Content. Geo-Eco-Marina 15, 5-11.
- Szobotka, Şt., Oaie, Gh., Craiu, C., Mihaila, E., Rădan, S., Rădan, M., Rădan, S.C., Viforeanu, A., 1995. Noi date obtinute prin metode geologice, geofizice si geochimice integrate in monitoringul geoecologic aplicat in sistemul Dunare - Delta Dunarii. Scientific Annals of Danube Delta Institute, IV, 2, 61-72
- Ungureanu, Gh., Boian, V., Oaie, Gh., Szobotka, St., Secrieru, D., Dominik, J., Loizeau, J. L., Mihăescu, R., 2008. Distribution of the sediment fill and associated pollutants in Băbeni reservoir, Vâlcea (Romania). In: Proceedings of Swiss – Romanian Research Programme on Environmental Sicence and Technology, Geo-Eco-Marina 14, 37
- Vignati, D.A.L, Secrieru, D., Bogatova Y.I., Dominik, J., Céréghino, R., Berlinsky, N. A, Oaie, Gh., Szobotka, S., Stănică, A. 2013. Trace element contamination in the arms of the Danube Delta (Romania/Ukraine): Current state of knowledge and future needs. Journal of Environmental Management, 125, 169 -178
- Mărunţeanu, M., Jipa, D., Mihăilescu, N., Baltres, A., Popescu, Gh., Oaie, Gh., Rădan, S., Costea, C., 2002. Stabilirea şi evaluarea potenţialului de nisipuri cuarţoase în Gresia de Kliwa dezvoltată între Valea Sucevei şi Valea Trotuşului. Scientific session MENER 2002, 587-593
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- Oaie, Gh., 1986. Sedimentology of the pebbly red sandstones facies association within the Carapelit Formation, North Dobrogea. Rev. Roum. Geol., Geoph., Geogr. Ser. Geol., 30, 59-70
- Oaie, Gh. 1992. Traces of organic activity in the Greenschist Series of Central Dobrogea (Romania). Studii şi Cercetări de Geologie 37, 133-138
- Oaie, Gh., 1994. Necesitatea protejării urmelor de activitate organică de vârstă Precambrian superior din cadrul Seriei şisturilor verzi din Dobrogea centrală. Ocrotirea Naturii şi Mediului Inconjurător, 37, 2
- Oaie, Gh., 1998. Sedimentological significance of mudstone microclast intervals in Upper Proterozoic turbidites, Central Dobrogea (Romania). In: Stow, D., Faugères (Eds), Contourites, Turbidites and Process Interaction. Sedimentary Geology 115, 1 – 4, 289-300
- Oaie, Gh., 2001. Structuri sedimentare biogene (trace fossils) în depozitele paleozoice ale Dobrogei de Nord. St. cerc. geol., 43- 44 (1998 – 1999).
- Oaie, Gh., 2010. Le patrimoine paléontologique de la vie primitive en Dobrogea (Roumanie). In: Saint Martin, J. P., Saint Martin, S., Oaie, Gh., Seghedi, A., Grigorescu, D. (Eds.), Le patrimoine paléontologique - Des trésors du fond des temps, 39 – 47, ISBN ISBN 978- 973-0-09465-7
- Oaie, Gh., Seghedi, A., 1994. Sedimentology of the Devonian distal turbidites of Tulcea Unit, North Dobrogea. Analele Univ. Buc., XLIII, 22.
- Oaie, Gh., Seghedi, A., Rădan, S., Vaida, M., 2009. Sedimentology and source area composition for the Neoproterozoic-Eocambrian turbidites of East Moesia. In: Anastasiu, N., Duliu, O. (Eds). Mineralogy and geodiversity. Ed. Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 275- 307.
- Oaie, Gh., Seghedi, A., Rădan, S., Vaida, M., 2005. Sedimentology and source areas for the Neoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian turbidites from East Moesia. Geologica Belgica, 8, 4, 78-105
- Papanikolaou, D., Zagorchev, I., Dabovski, C., Seghedi, A., Ioane, D., Oaie, G., Dimitriu, R.G., Barghathi, H., El-Hawat, A., Kranis, H., Obeidi, A., 2004. The TRANSMED Atlas, the Mediterranean Region from Crust to Mantle. Transect VII – East European Craton, Scythian Platform, Dobrogea, Balkanides, Rhodope Massif, Hellenides, East Mediterranean, Cyrenaica (Editors: Z. Cavazza, F. M. Roure, W. Spakman, G. M. Stampfli, P. A. Ziegler), Springer, Berlin, 2004, p. 114-119 and CD-ROM
- Saint Martin, J. P., Saint Martin, S., Seghedi, A., Oaie, Gh., Grigorescu, D., 2010. Avan propos – Le patrimoine paléontologique - Des trésors du fond des temps. In: Saint Martin J. P. , Saint Martin S., Oaie Gh., Seghedi A., Grigorescu D (Eds.) Le patrimoine paléontologique - Des trésors du fond des temps., Institutul Naţional de Geologie şi Geoecologie Marină, Bucureşti, 7 – 20, ISBN ISBN 978-973-0- 09465-7
- Saint Martin, J. P., Fernandez, S., Oaie, Gh., Seghedi, A., Saint Martin, S., Charbonnier, S., Andre, J-P., 2013. Le monde Édiacarien de Dobrogea. In: Saint Martin J. P. (Ed.), Recherches croisées en Dobrogea. Ed. Amanda Edit, 29-40, ISBN 978-606-8567-14-3
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- Seghedi, A., Oaie, G., 1999. Overview of the geology of Dobrogea. Rom. Jour. Tectonics and Regional Geology, 77, suppl. 2, 1–17
- Seghedi, A., Oaie, Gh., 2014. Volcaniclastic turbidites of the Coşuştea Nappe: a record of Late Cretaceous arc volcanism in the South Carpathians (Romania). Geologica Balcanica 43, 1 – 3, 77-98
- Seghedi, A., Berza, T., Iancu, V., Mărunţiu, M., Oaie Gh., 2005. Neoproterozoic terranes in the Moesian basement and in the Alpine Danubian nappes of the South Carpathians. Geologica Belgica 8, 4, 4-19
- Seghedi, A., Popa, M., Oaie, Gh., Nicolae, I., 2001. The Permian system in Romania. NATURA BRESCIANA, Annuario de Museo civico di storia naturale di Brescia, MONOGRAFIA 25, 281-293
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- Yanev, S., Popa, M., Seghedi, A., Oaie, Gh., 2000. Overview of the Permian deposits in Bulgaria and Romania. NATURA BRESCIANA, Annuario de Museo civico di storia naturale di Brescia, MONOGRAFIA 25, 269 – 279
- Grădinaru, E., Seghedi, A., Oaie G., Rădan S., 1995. Field Guidebook, Central and North Dobrogea. IGCP Project no. 369 "Comparative evolution of Peritethyan Rift Basins", Mamaia 1995, 75 p.
- Oaie, G., Seghedi, A., Stănică, A., 1996. Excursion guide D3 – Sedimentology of the Late Proterozoic turbidites from Central Dobrogea. An. Inst. Geol. Rom. 69, suppl. 5, 34 p.
- Seghedi, A., Berza, T., Mărunţiu, M., Iancu, V., Oaie, G., 2001. Cadomia 2001 – Field workshop on Romanian Cadomides (Field guidebook for Cadomides of Dobrogea and the South Carpathians). Geo-Eco- Marina 6, suppl.1, 58 p.
- Seghedi, A., Oaie, G., Iordan, M., Avram, E., Tatu, M., Ciulavu, D., Vaida, M., Rădan, S., Nicolae, I., Seghedi, I., Szakács, A., Drăgănescu, A., 1999. Excursion Guide of the Joint Meeting of EUROPROBE TESZ, PANCARDI and GEORIFT Projects: "Dobrogea – the interface between the Carpathians and the Trans-European Suture Zone": Geology and structure of the Precambrian and Paleozoic basement of North and Central Dobrogea. Mesozoic history of North and Central Dobrogea. Rom. J. Tect. Reg. Geol. 77, suppl. 2, 72 p.