Published June 29, 2016 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Interference Management for 5G: A METIS-II Perspective

  • 1. Huawei Technologies, GRC
  • 2. KTH
  • 3. Telecom Italia
  • 4. Telefonica
  • 5. Intel
  • 6. Samsung


This paper provides highlights on the envisioned interference management framework for 5G RAN, which is pursued by 5G PPP METIS-II project. In this framework, factors like the expected high density of access nodes reusing the same spectrum, the diverse sources of interference from heterogeneous access technologies and the consideration of multiple 5G services with different KPIs can have strong impact on the user’s performance. To this end, three key interference management drivers are discussed, which aim improving users’ performance in terms of cell-edge throughput, provide energy-efficiency aware resource management and minimize the signalling overhead using BS clustering and context-awareness.


Interference Management for 5G – A METIS II Perspective_METIS-II Special Session EuCNC 16.pdf

Additional details


METIS-II – Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society-II 671680
European Commission