Published September 8, 2016 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Towards the cross-domain interoperability of IoT platforms

  • 1. Intracom SA Telecom Solutions
  • 2. University of Zagreb
  • 3. University of Vienna
  • 4. Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
  • 5. University of Roma Tor Vergata
  • 6. Nextworks Srl


The Internet of Things is evolving around a plethora of vertical platforms, each specifically suited to a given scenario and often adopting proprietary communications, device and resource control protocols. The emerging need for cross-domain IoT applications and services highlights the necessity of interoperability across IoT platforms for a unified and secure sharing of and access to sensing/actuating resources. This position paper describes the current state of the IoT landscape, the opportunities that appear towards its sustainable evolution as well as the challenges that need to be addressed. In this context, the vision and objectives of the H2020 symbIoTe project are also presented; symbIoTe aims at the interoperability of IoT platforms by offering a flexible interoperability framework that will allow i) vertical IoT platforms to cooperate, ii) collaborative IoT platforms to form IoT-platform federations for exchange of resources and iii) independent developers to create innovative and cross-domain applications.



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symbIoTe – Symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments 688156
European Commission