Pilot Program for Novel Music Industry Statistical Indicators in the Slovak Republic
Based on the Memorandum o porozumení o využití výsledkov analýz otvorených politík v kontexte slovenského kultúrneho a kreatívneho priemyslu a sektorových verejných politík v spolupráci s konzorciom pre výskum a inovácie s názvom OpenMuse. [Memorandum of Understanding on utilizing the Open Policy Analysis results of the OpenMuse Research and Innovation Consortium in the context of Slovak cultural and creative industries and sectors’ public policies, (Ministerstvo kultúry SR and Open Music Europe 2023)] we held our first stakeholder consultation in Bratislava on 21 September 2023.
With colleagues from IKP and the SOSR
, we reviewed all the strategic indicators of the cultural, sustainable development and digitisation policy goals of Slovakia and the potential data sources of desired but not available policy indicators on macro-economic, industry, and institute/enterprise level. The creation of such KPIs is essential for the controlling of the policy execution and for the creation of transmission mechanisms to bring down the policy execution to the level of at least national organisations like SOZA or Hudobné centrum. The following document is detailed summary of the statistical aspects of the data coordination and collaboration presented in the workshop.
We believe that our approach conforms not only with the relevant Slovak cultural, development, digitisation and statistical policies, but would constitute a best practice in terms of implementing and improving the creation of structural business indicators with the help of privately-held data (ESS 2017; HLEG 2020; European Commission 2020; ‘United Nations Guidelines on Statistical Business Registers. Final Draft Prior to Official Editing’ 2020).
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