Published September 6, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

The Value and Challenges of Student-Run Journals: Lessons from a Student Editor

  • 1. Arizona State University


Student-run journals are unique spaces for learning about and engaging with the scholarly publication landscape. Student editors and reviewers build their authorial voice and academic identity by leading the editorial process, which may help increase their sense of belonging to academia. Moreover, student journals serve diverse communities and are particularly committed to open access. Indeed, many existing student journals are run under the diamond model as universities host and support their operations. Despite the outlined benefits, there are several challenges when running a student journal. For instance, student journals may be considered few relevant as they are perceived as less prestigious and reputable than the so-called ‘top tier’ journals. This perception might result in lacking institutional or financial support. In this talk, I will share the lessons learned from my experience as a student editor of Current Issues in Education, a diamond open-access journal sponsored by Arizona State University. I will highlight the opportunities I encountered as a doctoral student to actively engage in discussions about topics, methods, and approaches in educational research. Finally, I will present my arguments to increase the support for student-run journals as they are spaces for innovation and recognition of the epistemic value of OA journals beyond commercial interests.



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