Published August 2, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Report on E-learning training programme and accreditation plus sustainability (D5.7)


  • 1. ENTIS


This report describes the e-learning training programme, plan for accreditation, and the sustainability. This e-learning was designed for the purpose of training healthcare professionals (HCPs) about teratology and long-term outcomes of drug exposure during pregnancy, and methods of evidence generation and how they can translate this into effective messages for women and their families on drug use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 


821520_ConcePTION_D5.7 Report on E-learning training programme and accreditation plus sustainability.pdf

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ConcePTION – Building an ecosystem for better monitoring and communicating of medication safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding: validated and regulatory endorsed workflows for fast, optimised evidence generation 821520
European Commission