Published October 4, 2023 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Venus coronae topographic (a)symmetry classification (from Gülcher et al., 2023, JGR Planets)

  • 1. California Institute of Technology; NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory


This is a PDF file of the coronae classification that accompanies the manuscript "Tectono-magmatic evolution of asymmetric coronae on Venus: Topographic classification and 3D thermo-mechanical modeling" by Gülcher et al. (2023) in Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 128, e2023JE007978, 

This database consists of the 150 largest coronae (those with a diameter equal to or larger than 300 km) in the publicly available Venusian coronae nomenclature database (USGS Planetary Nomenclature, ( and the database of Stofan et al. (1992, JGR, combined, and five additional smaller coronae. The (a)symmetry of these coronae is defined based on the topographic features (e.g., troughs, rims, rises) and their variability across the coronae. For further information on this classification, please see the main paper. The global distribution of this classification is illustrated in Figure 1 in the main paper and Figure S1 in the Supplementary Information SI1. 



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  • Gülcher et al. (2023), Tectono-magmatic evolution of asymmetric coronae on Venus: Topographic classification and 3D thermo-mechanical modelling, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, DOI: 10.1029/2023JE007978