Published July 25, 2023 | Version v1
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WEBINAR: Managing hands-on data analysis training with Galaxy

  • 1. Galaxy Australia
  • 2. Erasmus Medical Center


This record includes training materials associated with the Australian BioCommons webinar ‘Managing hands-on data analysis training with Galaxy’. This webinar took place on 25 July 2023.

Event description 

Looking for flexible, scalable, real-world solutions that enable data analysis skills to be taught to anyone and anywhere? 

Galaxy Australia, a national web service supporting 1000s of bioinformatics tools and workflows is a fantastic solution for training on bioinformatics concepts. Their "Training Infrastructure as a Service”, or TIaaS provides free compute and back-end support for data analysis training. It is paired with 100’s of easy-to-follow tutorials developed and maintained by the worldwide community on the Galaxy Training Network (GTN). TIaaS frees trainers from setting up and maintaining computational resources for their training events so that they can focus on student needs and learning outcomes

This webinar will show you how to make the most of Galaxy Australia, TIaaS and the Galaxy Training Network for bioinformatics training. We’ll highlight all the nifty features you can use to plan, manage and deliver training to any size audience efficiently.


Materials are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International agreement unless otherwise specified and were current at the time of the event.

Files and materials included in this record:

  • Event metadata (PDF): Information about the event including, description, event URL, learning objectives, prerequisites, technical requirements etc.

  • Index of training materials (PDF): List and description of all materials associated with this event including the name, format, location and a brief description of each file.

  • Managing data analysis training with Galaxy_slides: A PDF copy of the slides presented during the webinar.

Materials shared elsewhere:

A recording of this webinar is available on the Australian BioCommons YouTube Channel:


Event metadata.pdf

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