Published June 26, 2023 | Version v1
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Beauty or function? The opposing effects of natural and sexual selection on cuticular hydrocarbons in male black field crickets


  • 1. Western Sydney University


Although many theoretical models of male sexual trait evolution assume that sexual selection is countered by natural selection, direct empirical tests of this assumption are relatively uncommon. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are known to play an important role in restricting evaporative water loss but also in sexual signalling in most terrestrial arthropods. Insects adjusting their CHC layer for optimal desiccation resistance is often thought to come at the expense of successful sexual attraction suggesting that natural and sexual selection are in opposition for this trait. In this study, we sampled the CHCs of male black field crickets (Teleogryllus commodus) using solid-phase microextraction and then either measured their evaporative water loss or mating success. We then used multivariate selection analysis to quantify the strength and form of natural and sexual selection targeting male CHCs. Both natural and sexual selection imposed significant linear and stabilizing selection on male CHCs, although for very different combinations. Natural selection largely favoured an increase in the total abundance of CHCs, especially those with a longer chain length. In contrast, mating success peaked at a lower total abundance of CHCs and declined as CHC abundance increased. However, mating success did improve with an increase in a number of specific CHC components that also increased evaporative water loss. Importantly, this resulted in the combination of male CHCs favoured by natural selection and sexual selection being strongly opposing. Our findings suggest that the balance between natural and sexual selection is likely to play an important role in the evolution of male CHCs in T. commodus and may help explain why CHCs are so divergent across populations and species.


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Funding provided by: Royal Society
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: UF0762844

Funding provided by: Natural Environment Research Council
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: NE/G00949X/1

Funding provided by: Australian Research Council
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: DP180101708

Funding provided by: National Science Foundation
Crossref Funder Registry ID:
Award Number: CMII 1634878


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10.5281/zenodo.8010457 (DOI)