WorldFAIR Project (D13.2) Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Recommendations Report
- 1. Digital Repository of Ireland
- 2. Younes & Soraya Nazarian Library, University of Haifa
- 3. KB, the National Library of the Netherlands
- 4. 4Science SpA
- 5. Digital Innovation Division (LC Labs), Library of Congress
- 6. Internet Archive
- 7. Stony Brook University
- 8. IIIF Consortium
- 9. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
- 10. Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra
- 11. Institute for Human & Machine Cognition; Metadata Authoring Systems
Work package leader:
- 1. Digital Repository of Ireland
- 2. Marmara University, Information and Records Management
- 3. Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
- 4. Leiden University Libraries
- 5. University of Minnesota
- 6. Wikimedia Community Ireland
- 7. Rijksmuseum, The Netherlands
- 8. Andean Road Countries for Science and Technology, Bolivia
Deliverable 13.2 for the WorldFAIR Project’s Cultural Heritage Work Package (WP13). Although the cultural heritage sector has only recently begun to think of traditional gallery, library, archival and museum (‘GLAM’) collections as data, long established practices guiding the management and sharing of information resources has aligned the domain well with the FAIR principles for research data, evidenced in complementary workflows and standards that support discovery, access, reuse, and persistence. As explored in the previous report by Work Package 13 for the WorldFAIR Project, D13.1 Practices and policies supporting cultural heritage image sharing platforms, memory institutions are in an important position to influence cross-domain data sharing practices and raise critical questions about why and how those practices are implemented.
Deliverable 13.2 aims to build on our understanding of what it means to support FAIR in the sharing of image data derived from GLAM collections. This report looks at previous efforts by the sector towards FAIR alignment and presents 5 recommendations designed to be implemented and tested at the DRI that are also broadly applicable to the work of the GLAMs. The recommendations are ultimately a roadmap for the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) to follow in improving repository services, as well as a call for continued dialogue around ‘what is FAIR?’ within the cultural heritage research data landscape.
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WorldFAIR is funded by the EC HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-41 Coordination and Support Action under Grant Agreement No. 101058393.
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