Published April 18, 2023 | Version v1.0
Project deliverable Open

D1.2 Use cases scenarios and requirements analysis (I)

  • 1. AI-PRISM


D1.2 presents the use case scenarios and requirement analysis of the AI-PRISM system design. It includes the initial description of the five different use cases of the AI-PRISM project and the related key performance indicators (KPIs). Furthermore, the deliverable contains the initial set of hierarchical requirements for subsequent system development: the high-level requirements identified so far by the stakeholders and the system requirements (related to Hardware, Human-Robot Collaboration aspects, the AI Enhancing Tools and Social Collaboration aspects) resulting from the analysis of the stakeholder requirements.


AI-PRISM_D1.2 Use cases scenarios and requirements analysis (I).pdf

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AI-PRISM – AI Powered human-centred Robot Interactions for Smart Manufacturing 101058589
European Commission