Published April 15, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
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Publications from government weather and climate authorities on the X platform and replies from citizens in five Brazilian cities during a year between 2021 and 2022


This dataset contains messages published and replies received by government weather and climate authorities on the X (former Twitter) social media platforms. The data comprises government weather and climate authorities for the Brazilian cities of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, and Belém. Government weather and climate authorities are city hall departments or sectors responsible for informing and keeping the population updated about weather events.

Publications made by the authority and replies published by citizens to these publications are observed. This data supports the study on the interaction dynamics between the climate authority and citizens over time.

Data Structure

Two files are available publications.csv and replies.csv.

Each line in the publications' file (publications.csv) refers to an authority publication/tweet. For each publication, it is stored the public authority's unique Twitter identifier (AUTHORITY_ID), the tweet unique identifier (TWEET_ID), the Unix timestamp that indicates when it was published (TIMESTAMP), and the text of the publication (TEXT). 

Each line in the replies file (replies.csv) is a reply from a citizen to an authority. For each reply, it is stored the authority's unique Twitter identifier (AUTHORITY_ID), the unique identifier of the authority's tweet being replied to (TWEET_ID), the replier masked unique Twitter identifier (AUTHOR_ID), and the reply Unix timestamp (TIMESTAMP) that indicates when it was published.

All data were collected through the X's application programming interface (API) provided to scientific researchers. Publications and replies were posted by users (authorities and citizens) with public visibility.

Data Content

The dataset covers 1-year observation period, starting on July 17, 2021, and ending on June 16, 2022. It contains a total of 10,229 publications and 5,471 replies. The observed authorities are as follows:


City                    Authority name                                                                                            X handle           AUTHORITY_ID

São Paulo          Centro de Gerenciamento de Emergências Climáticas da Prefeitura de SP @cge_sp            268407434

Rio de Janeiro   Sistema de Alerta localizado no Centro de Operações do Rio (COR)           @alertario           87487749

Belo Horizonte   Defesa Civil de Belo Horizonte                                                                      @defesacivilbh    837731966

Porto Alegre      Defesa Civil Porto Alegre                                                                               @defesacivilpoa  1037420896473022466

Belém                Defesa Civil de Belém                                                                                   @defesacivilbel   1346501728632500225


As weather and climate authorities are government bodies, the whole content of their publications is of public interest according to Brazilian law. Thus, the text messages in their publications on social media are in the public domain and are stored in this dataset. As the data structure describes, text messages of citizens' replies are not stored. According to the terms of use of the X platform, citizen text messages cannot be publicly stored outside the X platform. Such text messages are public on that platform, and, for reproductivity, they can be recollected using the platform web page or API informing the TWEET_ID stored in this dataset.



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Is derived from
Other: 10.5281/zenodo.7662897 (DOI)
Is supplement to
Journal article: 10.1038/s44168-023-00080-3 (DOI)