Published April 11, 2023 | Version 0.4.2-002/1.0.0-001
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SeATAC: a tool for exploring the chromatin landscape and the role of pioneer factors

  • 1. University of Minnesota


Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin with sequencing (ATAC-seq) reveals chromatin accessibility across the genome. Currently no method specifically detects differential chromatin accessibility. Here, SeATAC uses a conditional variational autoencoder model to learn the latent representation of ATAC-seq V-plots and outperforms MACS2 and NucleoATAC on six separate tasks. Applying SeATAC to several pioneer factor induced differentiation or reprogramming ATAC-seq datasets suggests that induction of these factors not only relaxes the closed chromatin but also decreases chromatin accessibility of 20% to 30% of their target sites. SeATAC is a novel tool to accurately reveal genomic regions with differential chromatin accessibility from ATAC-seq data.


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