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Published November 29, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

BioDT D2.1 - Plan for Dissemination & Exploitation Including Communication Activities

  • 1. Trust-IT Services
  • 2. CSC


The Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) project will provide both advanced models for simulation and prediction capabilities demonstrated through thematic use cases that address critical issues related to global biodiversity dynamics. BioDT will enhance the protection and restoration of Europe’s ecosystems and biodiversity by managing natural resources sustainably. This will ensure clean and healthy environments, as well as contribute to increasing food security and sustainability of the food system.

BioDT responds to key EU and international policy initiatives, including the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, EU Green Deal, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Destination Earth, and exploits scientific and technological excellence at the frontline of European innovation (e.g. LUMI Supercomputer).

This deliverable presents the main objectives (Section 2) of the project in terms of communication, dissemination and exploitation, as well as the methodology (Section 3) and key channels (Section 6) that will be exploited in order to reach out to the target stakeholders throughout the project duration. Early achievements and outputs from the first five months of project activity are also listed, providing tangible examples for the work to come. Target stakeholders are described in Section 4, and more details about them will be included in the upcoming analysis by BioDT Work Package 8 - Collaboration and Integration with Strategic Initiatives and Programmes.

An initial description of the exploitation and sustainability model is included in Section 7, while specific work on this officially begins in Year 2 under Task 2.4 - Sustainability.

An overview of the KPIs as of month 5 is featured in Section 8, providing an early snapshot of the project progress regarding communication, dissemination and exploitation.

This deliverable was submitted to the granting authority 29/11/2022. It has been approved by the granting authority.



Additional details


BioDT – Biodiversity Digital Twin for Advanced Modelling, Simulation and Prediction Capabilities 101057437
European Commission