Published January 3, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 3.1 - Policy Analysis of Value Chains for CHIs in the Digital Single Market - Summary

  • 1. Centrum Cyfrowe


Within the inDICEs project, we aim to understand the effects of the digital revolution on modes of cultural and creative production and on their economic and social impact. The task Policy analysis of value chains for CHIs in the Digital Single Market (T 3.1) was focused on the analysis of the value chains for CHIs in the DSM to contribute to the understanding of current business models of interaction between CHIs and creative industries and how such models can reinforce access to culture and European identity.


D3.1-Summary_Policy Analysis of Value Chains for CHIs in the Digital Single Market.pdf

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European Commission
inDICEs – Measuring the impact of DIgital CulturE 870792