Published April 14, 2023
| Version v1
Widespread diversity deficits of coral reef sharks and rays
Simpfendorfer, Colin A.1
Heithaus, Michael R.2
Heupel, Michelle R.3
- MacNeil, M. Aaron4
Meekan, Mark5
Harvey, Euan6
Sherman, C. Samantha1
Currey-Randall, Leanne M.5
Goetze, Jordan S.6
Kiszka, Jeremy J.2
Rees, Matthew J.5
Speed, Conrad W.5
Udyawer, Vinay5
Bond, Mark E.2
Flowers, Kathryn I.2
Clementi, Gina M.2
Valentin-Albanese, Jasmine7
Adam, M. Shiham8
Ali, Khadeeja2
Asher, Jacob9
Aylagas, Eva9
- Beaufort, Océane10
Benjamin, Cecilie11
Bernard, Anthony T. F.12
Berumen, Michael L.13
Bierwagen, Stacy5
- Birrell, Chico14
- Bonnema, Erika2
Bown, Rosalind M. K.15
Brooks, Edward J.16
- Brown, J. Jed17
Buddo, Dayne18
Burke, Patrick J.19
- Cáceres, Camila2
Cambra, Marta20
- Cardeñosa, Diego2
- Carrier, Jeffrey C.21
Casareto, Sara2
Caselle, Jennifer E.22
Charloo, Venkatesh23
Cinner, Joshua E.1
Claverie, Thomas24
Clua, Eric E. G.25
Cochran, Jesse E. M.13
Cook, Neil26
Cramp, Jessica E.1
D'Alberto, Brooke M.1
de Graaf, Martin27
- Dornhege, Mareike C.28
Espinoza, Mario20
- Estep, Andy29
Fanovich, Lanya30
Farabaugh, Naomi F.2
Fernando, Daniel15
- Ferreira, Carlos E. L.31
- Fields, Candace Y. A.2
Flam, Anna L.32
- Floros, Camilla33
- Fourqurean, Virginia2
Gajdzik, Laura13
- Barcia, Laura García2
- Garla, Ricardo34
Gastrich, Kirk2
George, Lachlan3
Giarrizzo, Tommaso35
Graham, Rory4
Guttridge, Tristan L.36
- Hagan, Valerie37
Hardenstine, Royale S.38
Heck, Stephen M.37
Henderson, Aaron C.39
- Heithaus, Patricia2
Hertler, Heidi39
Padilla, Mauricio Hoyos40
Hueter, Robert E.37
Jabado, Rima W.1
Joyeux, Jean-Christophe41
Jaiteh, Vanessa42
- Johnson, Mohini43
Jupiter, Stacy D.44
- Kaimuddin, Muslimin43
- Kasana, Devanshi2
Kelley, Megan2
Kessel, Steven T.45
Kiilu, Benedict46
- Kirata, Taratau47
- Kuguru, Baraka48
- Kyne, Fabian49
Langlois, Tim50
Lara, Frida51
- Lawe, Jaedon52
Lédée, Elodie J. I.1
Jabado, Rima W.1
Lindfield, Steve53
Luna-Acosta, Andrea54
- Maggs, Jade Q.55
Manjaji-Matsumoto, B. Mabel56
Marshall, Andrea32
Martin, Lucy57
Mateos-Molina, Daniel58
Matich, Philip59
- McCombs, Erin60
- McIvor, Ashlie13
McLean, Dianne5
- Meggs, Llewelyn52
Moore, Stephen1
- Mukherji, Sushmita1
- Murray, Ryan61
Newman, Stephen J.62
- Nogués, Josep57
Obota, Clay63
Ochavillo, Domingo64
O'Shea, Owen65
Osuka, Kennedy E.63
Papastamatiou, Yannis P.2
Perera, Nishan14
Peterson, Bradley7
Pimentel, Caio R.41
Pina-Amargós, Fabián66
Pinheiro, Hudson T.67
- Ponzo, Alessandro68
Prasetyo, Andhika69
- Quamar, L. M. Sjamsul70
- Quinlan, Jessica R.2
Reis-Filho, José Amorim71
Ruiz, Hector72
- Ruiz-Abierno, Alexei73
Sala, Enric74
- Samoilys, Melita A.63
Sample, William R.2
Schärer-Umpierre, Michelle72
Schlaff, Audrey M.1
Schmid, Kurt13
Schoen, Sara N.2
Simpson, Nikola75
Smith, Adam N. H.76
Spaet, Julia L. Y.77
- Sparks, Lauren78
- Stoffers, Twan27
Tanna, Akshay15
Torres, Rubén79
Travers, Michael J.62
van Zinnicq Bergmann, Maurits2
Vigliola, Laurent80
Ward, Juney81
Warren, Joseph D.7
Watts, Alexandra M.31
Wen, Colin K.82
Whitman, Elizabeth R.2
Ward, Juney81
Warren, Joseph D.7
- Wirsing, Aaron J.83
Wothke, Aljoscha30
Zarza-González, Esteban84
- Chapman, Demian D.2
- 1. James Cook University
- 2. Florida International University
- 3. University of Tasmania
- 4. Dalhousie University
- 5. Australian Institute of Marine Science
- 6. Curtin University
- 7. Stony Brook University
- 8. International Pole and Line Foundation
- 9. Red Sea Global, Department of Environmental Protection and Regeneration*
- 10. Kap Natirel NGO*
- 11. Mahonia Na Dari Research and Conservation Centre*
- 12. South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity
- 13. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
- 14. Wildlife Conservation Society
- 15. Blue Resources Trust
- 16. Cape Eleuthera Institute
- 17. Qatar University
- 18. Georgia Aquarium*
- 19. Macquarie University
- 20. University of Costa Rica
- 21. Albion College
- 22. University of California, Santa Barbara
- 23. Coastal Impact
- 24. Centre Universitaire de Formation et de Recherche de Mayotte*
- 25. Paris Sciences Lettres, Centre de Recherche Insulaire et Observatoire de l'Environnement*
- 26. Cardiff University
- 27. Wageningen University & Research
- 28. Sophia University
- 29. Waitt Institute*
- 30. Environmental Research Institute Charlotteville
- 31. Fluminense Federal University
- 32. Marine Megafauna Foundation
- 33. Oceanographic Research Institute*
- 34. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
- 35. Universidade Federal do Ceará
- 36. Bimini Biological Field Station Foundation
- 37. Mote Marine Laboratory
- 38. Maldives Marine Research Institute, Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture*
- 39. School for Field Studies
- 40. Pelagios Kakunja*
- 41. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
- 42. Murdoch University
- 43. Operation Wallacea
- 44. Wildlife Conservation Society Fiji
- 45. Shedd Aquarium
- 46. Kenya Fisheries Service
- 47. Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Kiribati*
- 48. Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute
- 49. University of the West Indies
- 50. University of Western Australia
- 51. Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del IPN*
- 52. Yardie Environmental Conservationists Limited*
- 53. Coral Reef Research Foundation
- 54. Pontifical Xavierian University
- 55. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
- 56. Universiti of Malaysia Sabah
- 57. Island Conservation Society Seychelles*
- 58. Emirates Nature - World Wide Fund for Nature*
- 59. Saving the Blue
- 60. Aquarium of the Pacific
- 61. Inland Fisheries Ireland*
- 62. Western Australian Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories*
- 63. CORDIO East Africa*
- 64. American Samoa Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources*
- 65. The Centre for Ocean Research and Education*
- 66. Blue Sanctuary-Avalon*
- 67. University of Sao Paulo
- 68. Large Marine Vertebrates Research Institute Philippines
- 69. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
- 70. Universitas Dayanu Ikhsanuddin
- 71. Federal University of Bahia
- 72. HJR Reefscaping
- 73. University of Havana
- 74. National Geographic Society
- 75. SalvageBlue (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines)
- 76. Massey University
- 77. University of Cambridge
- 78. Indo Ocean Project, Jln Toyapakeh DESA Toyapakeh*
- 79. Reef Check - República Dominicana
- 80. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
- 81. Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
- 82. Tunghai University
- 83. University of Washington
- 84. Universidad del Sinú
A global survey of coral reefs reveals that overfishing is driving resident shark species toward extinction, causing diversity deficits in reef elasmobranch (shark and ray) assemblages. Our species-level analysis revealed global declines of 60 to 73% for five common resident reef shark species and that individual shark species were not detected at 34 to 47% of surveyed reefs. As reefs become more shark-depleted, rays begin to dominate assemblages. Shark-dominated assemblages persist in wealthy nations with strong governance and in highly protected areas, whereas poverty, weak governance, and a lack of shark management are associated with depauperate assemblages mainly composed of rays. Without action to address these diversity deficits, loss of ecological function and ecosystem services will increasingly affect human communities.
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- Is cited by
- 10.1126/science.ade4884 (DOI)
- Is source of
- 10.5061/dryad.qbzkh18h0 (DOI)