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Published September 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.2 A Cybersecurity Certification proposed Scheme for Supply Chain Sevices_EUSCS


The objective of this deliverable is to report the results of the activities performed in the first phase of CYRENE’s Work Package 2. The main output is to propose a draft version of the EUSCS candidate scheme (European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Supply Chain Services), which looks into the certification of the cybersecurity of supply chain services. In this document all the elements of European cybersecurity certification schemes as defined in the Article 54 of the EUCSA are presented. Eight appendices are also included in the document. The proposed SCS serves as guidelines to the SCS auditors; it specifies the various views of the SCS that can be adopted; the cybersecurity requirements that need to be met -such as standards or technical specifications-, the type of evaluation that is planned to be - done such as self-assessment or third party - and the intended level of assurance that is going to be achieved.


CYRENE_D2.2_ A Cybersecurity Certification proposed Scheme for Supply Chain Sevices_EUSCS_v1.0.pdf

Additional details


CYRENE – Certifying the Security and Resilience of Supply Chain Services 952690
European Commission