Temnothorax rugatulus ants do not change their nest walls in response to environmental humidity
- 1. Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Entomology and Insect Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
- 2. Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States of America
- 3. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States of America
Data used for manuscript: Temnothorax rugatulus ants do not change their nest walls in response to environmental humidity
Structure of the data
Raw hygrometer data that is used to calculate the average environmental humidity and temperature for each Trial:Salt combination
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- TrialNumber: Sequential trial number (1-4) that is NOT unique for each colony - see "Trial"
- Salt: Saturated salt solution used
- "Date Time, GMT-07:00": Date and time of each observation
- Temp: Temperature in celcius
- RH: Relative humidity (%)
- Trial: The trial number for each individual colony, each colony underwent two trials
Raw experimental data with nest features and colony size
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- Trial: The trial number for each individual colony, each colony underwent two trials
- TrialNumber: Sequential trial number (1-4) that is NOT unique for each colony - see "Trial"
- Day: The day in the experimental timeline (always 10, but days 1 and 5 were captured and not considered)
- Area: Area of the built nest wall (mm2)
- Length: Length of the built nest wall (mm)
- Nest.Area: Area of the internal nest space (mm2)
- HumLevel: Whether the colony started with a higher or lower relative humidity (High/Low)
- Number.Ant: The number of workers in the colony
- Number.Brood: The number of brood in the colony
- Number.Queens: The number of brood in the colony
- Salt: Saturated salt solution used
- SubstrateISide: Substrate I placement in the container from the perspective of looking out from the nest entrance
- StartWtI: The initial weight (g) of the available substrate I building nest wall material
- UsedWtI: The weight (g) of the available substrate I building nest wall material following the experimental building phase
- StartWtII: The initial weight (g) of the available substrate II building nest wall material
- UsedWtII: The weight (g) of the available substrate II building nest wall material following the experimental building phase
- CollWallWt: The weight (g) of the experimental nest wall that each colony built
Raw experimental data with proportion of workers and brood dead after each colony underwent Trial 1
- Colony: Unique experimental colony identifiers
- WorkerDeath: Proportion of workers that died
- BroodDeath: Proportion of brood that died
- TrialNumber: Sequential trial number (1-4) that is NOT unique for each colony
Data used for comparing the porosities of each experimental substrate, experimentally built walls, and collected Temnothorax rugatulus walls
Porosity is the percentage of void space in compact substrate - PoreVolume/TotalVolume
- SubstrateID: A unique identifier for each substrate replicate
- Trial: The trial number for each individual colony, each colony underwent two trials (only applicable for experimentally built walls)
- SubCategory: The type of substrate (Sub I, Sub II, Built, Natural)
- TotalVolume: The combined pore (void space in compact substrate grains) and soil volume (ml) of a substrate
- PoreVolume: The void space in between compact substrate grains (ml)
Additional details
Related works
- Is documented by
- Other: https://github.com/Gchism94/HumidityProject (URL)
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- Preprint: 10.1101/2022.06.30.497551 (DOI)