Determinations concerning Grave Stelae with Banquet Relief Found in the Surroundings of Yalova in the context of the Old and New Findings
- 1. Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Turizm Fakültesi, Turizm Rehberliği Bölümü, Antalya
There has been very little study of Yalova and its surroundings since the excavations carried on in the 1930’s. Besides the small rescue excavations carried out by Museums, there are archaeological materials gathered through construction activities and even from the earthquake and “grave stelae” are among them. “Grave Stelae with Altar” form a unique local and distinctive group among these stelae. There is a typical iconographical pattern to be noticed among these examples, as the entire group decorated with the popular theme of “the funeral feast”. There are inscriptions on seven of these stelae. Epigraphically, there is also a common language. The finds suggest the use of these stelae, eleven represented in this paper, was limited to within the region of Yalova. Although, unfortunately, the lack of studies prevents the localization of production, for now, it is possible to suggest from literary sources that these stelae should have been produced in Pylai .
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