Historical Person Register, Tyrol 15th, 16th century
- 1. University of Innsbruck
The dataset consists of a file in CSV format (UTF 8). The historical person register contains late medieval / ENHG person names within the Tyrolean mining documents Hs. 37 and Hs. 1587 (15th and 16th century) as well as a modern standardisation of the names. The persons received unique Identifiers. The names are also split into title, first name, last name, occupation and descriptor. Furthermore, the year is added, provenance if available, and alternate writings of the names within the text.
The project “Text Mining Medieval Mining Texts” (2019-2022) processed two historical mining sources: “Verleihbuch der Rattenberger Bergrichter” ( Hs. 37, 1460-1463) and “Schwazer Berglehenbuch” (Hs. 1587, approx. 1515) stored by the Tyrolean Regional Archive, Innsbruck (Austria). The central research objective of T.M.M.M.T. is the extraction and representation of the legal relationships between people, claims and mines over space and time. Furthermore it deals with the semantically opening and visualisation of the montanistic network of two tyrolean mining regions.
Citeable Transcripts are online available:
Hs. 37 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6274562
Hs. 1587 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6274928
View also the facsimiles and transcripts on Mining Hub: https://transkribus.eu/r/mining-hub/#/
The research project (2019-2022) was carried out at the university of Innsbruck and funded by go!digital next generation programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
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