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Published December 31, 2021 | Version 0.95
Report Open

KonsortSWD Task Area 5 Measure 2 Report Scope: Milestones 1, 2, and 3

  • 1. ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, Germany
  • 2. GESIS - Leibniz-institute for the Social Sciences, Germany


The Findability of research data is an important factor in enabling re-use and support the research data life
cycle. In this report, we analyze the findability of data from KonsortSWD partners: we conducted a survey and
interviews with the RDC, analyzed web traffic and query logs. From this analysis, we formulate a findability
strategy and hands-on recommendations for partners on how to improve their findability, including
recommendation on how to shape their metadata. With this contribution, we lay a foundation for on-going
activities to sustainably improve the discoverability and visibility of our research data.


Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) as part of NFDI - 442494171


KonsortSWD - Task Area 5 Measure 2 Milestones 1+2+3 Report.pdf

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