Published December 15, 2021 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

D9.5 Feasibility report on setting up a collection on questionnaires relating to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in the European Question Bank

  • 1. Sciences Po


This document is a deliverable of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project. It is a report assessing the feasibility of setting up, as part of the CESSDA ERIC-led European Question Bank (EQB), a collection dedicated to the questionnaires and question items included in quantitative surveys on Ethnic and Migrant Minorities’ (EMMs’) inclusion and/or integration identified as part of the creation of the EMM Survey Registry (i.e. the SSHOC Deliverable 9.4 Database with the metadata of surveys to EMMs across Europe1). As such, the main aim of this report is to provide a detailed account of how the ethnic and migration studies data community—i.e. the team of Task 9.2 Ethnic and Migrant Studies of Work Package 9 Data Communities of SSHOC, COST Action 16111 - ETHMIGSURVEYDATA, and the French Open Science project, FAIRETHMIGQUANT—critically examined the realities of being able to create an EMM collection for the EQB.

The report begins by illustrating how the FAIR principles, as well as the cumulative experience in developing the EMM Survey Registry, led to the EMM collection for the EQB being conceptualized as a standalone service, the EMM Question Data Bank (QDB) from which the EQB would be able to ingest the questionnaires of the EMM surveys. It then describes the key challenges identified in setting up the conceptualized EMM collection and the subsequent solutions to these challenges, which in turn helped create workflows for creating an EMM collection. It concludes with a reflection of the overall assessment process, undertaken by the ethnic and migration studies data community, where the argument is made that an EMM collection for the EQB can be constructed, but with careful consideration of the budgetary, human resources, and technical demands of creating such an innovative and novel resource, as well as the sustainability and durability of the linkage between the EMM QDB and the EQB.


D9.5 Feasibility report on setting up a collection on questionnaires relating to Ethnic and Migrant Minorities in the European Question Bank.pdf

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SSHOC – Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud 823782
European Commission