Published February 29, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Vectorization and Optimization of User Behavior Data in E-Learning Systems


  • 1. GlobalLab, LLC, Moscow, Russia.
  • 1. Publisher


At the first stage, an applied scientific research developed a procedure for collecting data on the parameters of user interaction with the user interface. This input procedure receives many heterogeneous messages about the actions of a particular user in the interface, while the output represents a vector that describes the user in aggregated form. The set of vectors for different users, in turn, was then used as input for the k-means clustering algorithm, the result of which is the user's attitude to one of the k clusters that distinguish the user by the type of behavior. User interface interaction data is available to 67.8% of Glo balL ab platform users. There is no such data for the electronic diary. Considering that not all users of the GlobalLab platform took measures to create a project, ideas, work with questionnaires and educational materials, the total number of students for whom the value of all 4 variables differs from the neutral one was 9.7 thousand.



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Journal article: 2249-8958 (ISSN)


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