Published February 28, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

An AI solution for Soil Fertility and Crop Friendliness Detection and Monitoring

  • 1. Department of CSE, Sir MVIT Bengaluru, obtained Mtech (CSE) from VTU, Karnataka
  • 2. Associate. Professor Department of CSE, Sir MVIT, Bengaluru obtained PhD Bhagwanth University, Ajmer
  • 1. Publisher


Agriculture is the main occupation of India and more than 50% of people are dependent on agriculture. Research on agriculture will strengthen the economic growth of the country. Technologies play a vital role to bolster the agriculture. Since soil is the main fount of agriculture , there is a need for significant approach to help the farmer to test and monitor the soil and its properties ,which will boost the fertility of the soil thereby intensifying the crop growth, also if crop recommendations are imparted to farmers in a proper way, crop yield can be enhanced to meet the growing demand for the food. Proper awareness on soil will benefit the farmers to grow the right and healthy crop. To overcome the disadvantages of traditional soil testing practices we are proposing an approach which has Deep learning, an artificial intelligence(AI) technique and IOT features . This helps in getting fast and accurate result. Soil fertility can be calculated by parameters like pH level, temperature, Moisture content of the soil,temperature, humidity and NPK(nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) ,organic matter, carbon level. Weather and Climatic conditions along with the soil parameters will help to evaluate the soil fertility. The lacking nutrients in the soil and needed nutrients/fertilizers to boost the soil fertility can be suggested to the farmers and also the crops which can be suitably grown from the given soil sample and nutrients required for all the recommended crops to enhance the yield can be suggested to the farmers.



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Journal article: 2249-8958 (ISSN)


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