Published June 14, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

SIMCor. Deliverable 1.5: Quality assurance guidelines (LYN, M8)

  • 1. Lynkeus


This deliverable outlines the set of guidelines that the SIMCor consortium adopted for ensuring the highest quality in the execution of the project, as a framework of procedures, standards and rules to guarantee the quality of project outcomes. The document outlines the project management procedures adopted for monitoring project activities and mitigating risks and addresses the procedures for the preparation and quality control of project deliverables, reports and software.


SIMCor (In-Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular IMplantable devices) has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017578.


SIMCor_D1.5_Quality assurance guidelines_LYN_14-06-2021_sig.pdf

Files (558.3 kB)

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SIMCOR – In Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular Implantable devices 101017578
European Commission