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Published June 9, 2021 | Version v2
Conference paper Open

Effects of digital tasks on learning math for first-year engineering students

  • 1. Technische Universität Darmstadt


This paper describes the conceptualization of digital tasks with STACK aiming at supporting tutors and students in entry-level math courses for engineering studies. The tasks are created within the project TU-WAS at the Technical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt). Its agenda is to design, test, and assess digital tasks with potential effects on both tutors regarding their duties in exercise-units and students regarding their learning behavior as well as periods of self-study during the semester. Concerning statistical results are presented and a glance at the development of digital tasks is provided.


Effects_of_digital_tasks_on_learning_math_for_first-year_engineering_students_Genc_Metzler_Reif (2).pdf