Published June 21, 2021 | Version 1
Other Open


  • 1. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


This report constitutes deliverable D8.1 of WP8 of the IMPACT HTA project. Two new toolkits are presented to be used as guiding tools for hospital management in the adoption of health technologies by: 1) providing a comprehensive overview of the dimensions that constitute hospital performance in order for top management to assess simultaneously the most problematic organizational and conceptual areas in terms of performance achievement, and 2) providing guidance in systematizing contextual variables that are able to affect the concrete implementation of health technologies.
The development of the two toolkits is based on results from three systematic literature reviews, multiple interviews and case studies, an online survey and web-based search of webpages of international healthcare agencies.
The two toolkits presented in this report are:
1) Toolkit to capture hospital performance variability, including a list of relevant indicators
2) Toolkit to assess the transferability of evidence produced in other jurisdictions and decision-making levels.


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