Published June 23, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D7.2 – Interim dissemination and communication plan and report 1

  • 1. PIN Scrl
  • 1. OEAW
  • 3. ZRC SAZU
  • 4. PIN Scrl
  • 5. UoY ADS


This deliverable presents the interim Dissemination and Communication Plan and Report 1 for the ARIADNEplus project. The report covers the first 18 months of the dissemination and communication activities undertaken by the lead team at PIN Scrl and all the (40+) partners who are involved in the project. Since the report D2.2 Initial Report on Networking and Integration covers the dissemination activities in detail, this report focusses more on the communication activities whilst providing an overview of all the activities undertaken by the project in Section 3. Section 4 concerns the plan for the next period, M19-M36 and highlights the new initiatives to be undertaken during this period. The first Dissemination and Communication Plan identified the different stakeholders and described how these may be reached. During the first period, the project partners and their organisations were the main focus for dissemination and communication. The Community Needs Survey generated a lot of interest within the archaeological community with over 700 responses. The Joint Directors, Franco Niccolucci (PIN) and Julian Richards (ADS) have also been active in establishing connections in Europe, the USA and Argentina. Information and news have been published on the website, which is aimed at a wider audience, and other methods of communication include partner mailing lists, social media channels and the Project Newsletter. The ARIADNEplus website has met its M18 targets with Twitter and Facebook being major sources of referral. A modified design has just been launched with new content being added in the form of a Training Hub (providing training resources) and with a set of short videos for communicating the scientific results of the project planned for Period 2. In addition, the translated pages have been made more prominent in order to improve better communication for non-native English speakers. A comprehensive set of promotional materials were produced for the kick-off meeting at PIN in February 2019 and these along with leaflets, were used by the partners to promote the project at conferences and events where they attend and present. The Newsletter has a good opening rate (recipients have opened the email to read the Newsletter) at over 40% and the subscriber list has grown slowly but steadily. The Partners have attended several conferences and workshops, giving presentations and taking part in round tables and workshops. More recently, as events have gone virtual, ARIADNEplus has featured in a Twitter Conference (“DH in the Time of Virus”) in April and then in May, co-organised the “European web conference on 3D digital cultural heritage for resilience, recovery and sustainability” which was streamed via YouTube. ARIADNEplus has also produced a number of papers along with the book “The ARIADNE Impact” which is a collection of 17 papers contributed by the partners and is published by Archeolingua. This has already been viewed over 700 times on Zenodo with 550 downloads. In terms of training, the first Transnational access (TNA) call was very successful, attracting 16 applications of which 13 were successful. Unfortunately, most of the visits have had to be postponed and the summer schools cancelled for this year but the next call is planned for September for in-house training during 2021. The Communication and dissemination plan for M19-M36 describes the new website design and objectives. The new content includes the Training Hub, short videos and there will also be some new printed materials (e.g. a poster), publications and internal reports. CAA and EAA are the two major conferences to be targeted by the project, with some attention paid to events relating to the new fields of research such as Bio-Archaeology, aDNA and Environmental Studies as well as those attended by computer scientists.


All ARIADNEplus deliverables are available at:


D7.2 Interim dissemination and communication plan and report 1.pdf

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