"Landesgesetzblätter" 1848-1918 ALEX bibliography
https://alex.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/alex-iv.pl has a working search interface that enables queries on the titles of all legislation present in ALEX. Yet the complete metadata set is not available for download. For working with the title metadata, the ONB kindly provided a CSV extract of their database.
Here, this data is available in BibLaTeX and Zotero RDF format, together with the conversion script as an `.ipynb` notebook.
The version added in the file `lgbl_all_extra.rdf.zip` contains updated RDF formatting for easy import into Zotero. An `rdf:RDF` element wrapper is provided per entry, with a placeholder `my:RDFs` root element.
It’s safe to assume CC0 https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.de, even though Zenodo does not offer this licence (hence listed as CC-BY-4.0).
The attached files are containing approx. 140000 titles. Bulk import may be ill advised. Copy entries into your favourite reference manager and enjoy.
- unzip
- open in any text editor
- copy a portion from rdf:RDF to its closing tag
- in Zotero, use "file > import from clipboard"
- check the resulting entry