Published March 12, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

ICDAS: a tool for diagnosing dental caries

  • 1. Universidad de Los Hemisferios, Ecuador
  • 2. Universidad UTE, Ecuador


The International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) is a technique for the diagnosis for carious lesions, which is based on the visual diagnosis of the different stages of dental caries, considering the crown of the tooth as a  unit in which there are five surfaces: vestibular, palatine or lingual, mesial, distal and occlusal or incisal. These will be evaluated independently and include a set of criteria, each one identified with an ordinal scale ranging from the assessment of healthy teeth, tooth enamel decay lesions to carious lesions in dentin.



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Journal article: 2386-3994 (ISSN)