Published December 1, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Access control to Scientific use files under new regulations

  • 1. Adisp
  • 2. Ined


Scientific use files (intermediary between public use files and secure use files), called production and research files (FPR) in France, have been available to the scientific community for several years via Quetelet-Progedo diffusion. Due to the evolution of regulations with the law "pour une république numérique", which promote the open data and continuing to respect the General Data Protection Regulation, we had to find a specific legal status to the product and research files.
In Quetelet Progedo Diffusion, the national archive of data from official statistics (ADISP) and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) have these types of files in their repositories. Thus, those two data providers have established a collaboration with the Statistical Secret Committee, the organization who guarantees the application of the rules of statistical secret in France, in order to set up an harmonized procedure for the production and research files.

This presentation will focus on this specific access control we utilize in Quetelet Progedo Diffusion.

A recorded version of the whole session can be found here:


EDDI2020_Access control to Scientific use files_ADAM_HEMMER.pdf

Files (1.4 MB)