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Published August 24, 2020 | Version v2
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Proteins that contaminate influenza vaccines have high homology to SARS-CoV-2 proteins thus increasing risk of severe COVID-19 disease and mortality


Influenza vaccines are manufactured using chicken eggs, canine kidney cells or insect cells. Chicken and dogs can be infected with numerous viruses including coronaviruses. Therefore influenza vaccines can be contaminated with coronavirus proteins. These coronavirus proteins of course have high homology to SARS-CoV-2 proteins. Further, we show that even chicken egg proteins have high homology to SARS-CoV-2 proteins. Influenza vaccine administration is known to create IgE mediated sensitization (allergy) to all proteins in the vaccine. In fact, vaccine-induced egg allergy is required for the vaccine to work and protect against influenza. This is because most influenza vaccines lack an adjuvant and they depend on the allergic reaction at the injection site to provide an adjuvant effect.

Upon COVID-19 infection, patients will suffer an allergic reaction due to cross reaction against SARS-CoV-2 proteins. This predictably produces anaphylaxis symptoms. Since the viral load increases over a few days, we have slow rolling anaphylaxis. The result is damage to multiple organs. Acute respiratory distress syndrome results from lung damage. Cardiac injury due to Kounis syndrome. Coagulation dysfunction, hypotension and shock are other possible outcomes. As in anaphylaxis treatment, epinephrine, histamine H1 and H2 blockers, etc. help prevent or treat these conditions.



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