Data Documentation Erdgas-BRidGE – Input data for modeling the power, building, and gas sector
- 1. TU Dresden
- 2. EWI
This data documentation provides data representing parts of the power, the building and gas sector, which have been compiled within the research project Erdgas-BRidGE (Erdgas - Bedeutung und zukünftige Rolle in der deutschen (German) Energiewende). The aim of this documentation is to increase the transparency of input data for energy modeling in the German context.
Therefore, the report Erdgas-BRidGE_Data_Documentation_Report (2020).pdf documents the data collected and processed in the course of the project. Furthermore, the data set Erdgas-BRidGE_Dataset (2020).xlsx provides the compiled or further processed data with separate table sheets. The script available under the file name has been used to process historical capacity bookings.
Erdgas-BRidGE is a joined effort by the Energiewirtschaftliches Insitut an der Universität zu Köln (ewi) and the Chair of Energy Economics at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD-EE2). The project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy through the grant "Erdgas-BRidGE", FKZ: 03ET4055A.