Published June 26, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

LIBER 2020 - Session #4: Crowd Powered Collaborations

  • 1. National Library of Sweden
  • 2. University of Turin
  • 3. Library of the Research Area of the CNR of Potenza
  • 4. University Library of Southern Denmark
  • 5. University of Aarhus
  • 6. University of Southern Denmark
  • 7. Scientific Knowledge Services
  • 8. University of southern Denmark


These are the slides from the LIBER 2020 Session Crowd Powered Collaborations.

Session Description:

Closely tied to Open Science is the Citizen Science (CS) movement. CS is a “hot topic” and extremely interesting for research libraries, which function as an important link between science and society and, consequently, have a key role in the development of CS. In 2019, LIBER launched a CS working group to foster the participation of European research libraries in these projects.

In this session, Crowd Powered Collaborations, we will focus on three research papers, linked by the theme of developments in the Open Science movement and with a particular focus on Citizen Science.

The first presentation by Maria Cassella and Assunta Arte will discuss the emergence of Citizen Science in Italy on the basis of the first CS project launched in Italy: Transcribing Marconi. Transcribing Marconi is a project conceived by the Library of the Research Area of the CNR of Potenza, in collaboration with two CNR research institutes. The presentation will focus on the aims of “Transcribing Marconi”, including raising awareness on CS projects among school students and citizens and connecting the project with other outreach activities held by the Library of the Research Area of CNR of Portenza, as well as the different stages of the project.

The second paper will argue that research libraries with strong competencies in knowledge-brokering, data management, open science, public outreach and more, could serve as the single point of contact for citizen science initiatives. The first part of the presentation will address the opinions of researchers and research libraries on CS projects and what they want from it, based on the findings of a Danish survey. The second part will focus on different services needed in order for libraries to become an integrated part of CS activities, using findings of best practices at the University of Denmark. The conclusion will present strategic recommendations and outline leadership skills needed for libraries to be in alignment with institutional strategy.

Finally, Tiberius Ignat and Dr. Bertil F. Dorch will discuss their findings in regard to their analysis of the Open Science movement. They concluded that the Open Science movement has two conflicting agendas. Firstly, libraries and librarians aim to set science free for commercial exploitation while encouraging the practice of sharing, for the public good. Secondly, the agenda of the EU Competitiveness council and larger research infrastructures. For them, the aim of this new research approach is a) accelerate the translation of new discoveries in benefits for society and b) create better evidence for EU strategies and in this way keep Europe a competitive economy. As there are increasing voices against Open Science, they argue that it becomes crucial to overcome these misalignments and deliver a single agenda. Consequently, libraries and librarians might need to reconsider the fundamental philosophy of Open Science.


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