There is a newer version of the record available.

Published May 26, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Corpus of Editorial Principles (in CEEC-400 Sources)

  • 1. University of Eastern Finland
  • 2. University of Helsinki


The Corpus of Editorial Principles (in CEEC-400 Sources), or CEP, contains scanned images of title pages and editorial principles (or any text interpretable as such) from the printed sources of the Corpora of Early English Correspondence (CEEC-400). CEP was built as part of the ERRATAS project, which surveyed all the sources of CEEC-400 in order to investigate their editorial practices.

CEP consists of:

  • A manual
  • A list of sources (bibliographical details)
  • A user agreement
  • Pdfs of scanned and photographed images from printed editions, zipped in folders grouped by CEEC-400 subcorpus

As most of the sources of CEEC-400 are under copyright, this resource is only available for use upon request.

Version history:

26.5.2020 Version 0.8 – Unfinished (due to coronavirus restrictions); data checked once.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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Available for any non-commercial use upon request. The user agreement must be signed and returned before access is granted.

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Research Council of Finland
Interfacing structured and unstructured data in sociolinguistic research on language change (STRATAS) / Consortium: STRATAS 293009