Group of Twenty Spending

An analysis of education, healthcare, and military spending of the G20

The Group of Twenty (G20) is the forum of the largest countries in the world. Unsurprisingly, these countries spend a lot of money on education, health care, and the military.

Flag of Argentina
Flag of Australia (converted)
Flag of Brazil
Flag of Canada
Flag of the People's Republic of China
Flag of France 1790-1794
Flag of Germany
Flag of India
Flag of Indonesia
Flag of Italy
Flag of Japan
Flag of South Korea
Flag of Mexico
Flag of Russia
Flag of Saudi Arabia (1938 to 1973)
Flag of South Africa
Flag of Turkey
Flag of the United Kingdom
Flag of the United States

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Education spending data is from UNESCO, Healthcare spending data is from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and Military spending data comes from the World Bank Open Data Databank. Charts developed using Google Charts. Images from Wikimedia Commons.